I didn't remember the 1st wrist watch tourbillon with GB was this one. Thanks for the reminder. [nt]

Dec 23, 2017,11:53 AM

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Three-bridge-Tourbillon follow up...going to the Year 1991

By: crown comfort : December 23rd, 2017-05:42
Friends, a few days ago, I showed you the No. 1 Three-Golden-Bridge Tourbillon pocket watch from 1982. The first attempt to bring back the signature of GP of mechanical watches with a mind-blowing effort of ~1000 hours to complete the finishing. www.w...  

Thank you for this post, CC!

By: blomman Mr Blue : December 23rd, 2017-06:36
To change the Three Golden Bridges from Pocket Watch to Wrist watch was a important step in the GP history! Without that, who knows where the brand would have been today. One big difference we see on these early WW-versions of the TGB is that the bridges ... 

Indeed it was a very important step

By: crown comfort : December 23rd, 2017-07:41
and very hard to imagine GP today without this iconic wristwatch. I fully agree with you on how the bridges are shaped and integrated in the PW versus the early WW, but the modern Le Esmeralda offers the best of both worlds CC

Thanks Mitch and yes

By: crown comfort : December 23rd, 2017-12:33
each bridge will easyly take several days of polishing, but on the Pocket Watch, 1000 hours is almost half a year of work (considering humane Swiss working hours)