Come back please 😥

Feb 08, 2024,17:42 PM

Unfortunately sold some years ago.

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I recognized it on the wrist of someone at a party: such a lovely watch.

 By: COUNT DE MONET : February 8th, 2024-17:49
One of those watches, that telks others that you are a collector. Has to come back!

Yes it has to come back.

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-00:46
I remember when they came out.

Same fate

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-00:44
Same solution 🤔

I think I will try to find one

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-18:25
In a perfect condition. My comforter meanwhile. ...  

Not easy to find a good one

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-00:47

How does this wear?

 By: mdg : February 8th, 2024-19:45
I love the look, but it seems thick in most photos...

It is a small and heavy dumpling

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-00:41
This one made of white gold. A good feeling.

: )

 By: mdg : February 9th, 2024-00:51


 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-18:25

So many nice models in the vintage lineup

 By: Arronax : February 9th, 2024-05:37
Are the art-deco hollowed hands available with the WG case?

I don't know

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-18:26

I always liked this one.

 By: MiguelFlash : February 9th, 2024-06:52

Ah, you're right

 By: brauner : February 9th, 2024-18:27