You could just buy a different bottle of champagne (cheaper & faster)

Mar 06, 2023,19:45 PM

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Relaxing weekend

 By: pw927 : March 5th, 2023-15:51
with our favorite takeout Szechuan. VCP Rose complemented the spice perfectly. Next time I’ll get better photos of the food plated as opposed to in the boxes, but it shall take a lot of restraint to photograph before eating Hope everyone is having a great...  


 By: pw927 : March 6th, 2023-00:03
I don’t have a Rose Gold RO but now you have given me reason to correct that

I like your style:)

 By: pw927 : March 7th, 2023-01:19

Great AP and Champagne

 By: Larrykelley11 : March 5th, 2023-20:01