Uh! That looks absolutely a gorgeous, delicious, scrumptious sushi! I LOVE food like this!

Jan 27, 2021,07:53 AM

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Sushi time

 By: Signo : January 26th, 2021-15:48

I'll bite...

 By: nacelle : January 26th, 2021-18:48
Looks delicious great watch!


 By: Signo : January 29th, 2021-15:28
And all for about 20 bucks. ...  

Thank you!

 By: Signo : January 29th, 2021-15:43

Stunning watch!

 By: Art Collector : January 27th, 2021-10:15
Delicious food!

Where can you get a box like that? in the US?

 By: cazalea : February 1st, 2021-07:34
Thanks Cazalea