Congrats, a very versatile piece that at the same time adds lots of elegance. Enjoy for long ;-) [nt]

Apr 08, 2020,16:56 PM

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That’s a special one. [nt]

 By: TheMadDruid : April 8th, 2020-16:07

Wonderful piece, great first!

 By: NautNut : April 8th, 2020-16:34
Enjoy in the best of health!

its damn gorgeous [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : April 8th, 2020-17:53

Amazing piece!

 By: NML77 : April 8th, 2020-18:26

Very nice [nt]

 By: cmmnsens : April 8th, 2020-19:16

Thank you ! [nt]

 By: Horology75 : April 9th, 2020-08:51

Superb tourbillon!

 By: ChristianDK : April 8th, 2020-21:17
I love ihe the bracelet as well. Great to see it.

Merci [nt]

 By: Horology75 : April 9th, 2020-08:49

Beautiful watch

 By: quattro69  : April 9th, 2020-05:40
... and a beautiful car!

Thank you sir ! [nt]

 By: Horology75 : April 9th, 2020-08:46


 By: emcquillan : April 9th, 2020-06:06
I have the same car, but I really wish I had the same watch 😁

Glad to hear that. I’ve actually been driving only Audi since 2005, but

 By: emcquillan : April 10th, 2020-13:05
Often wondered if the grass is greener on the other side. Nice to get this feedback. I have the S8 plus as well. A total wolf in sheep’s clothing