Ah delicious looking

Jan 10, 2025,18:53 PM

I always want to take a bite of that dial when I see a close up. It’s extremely pretty.
HAGWE my dear friend.

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F.P. Friday - continuing the brass theme

By: ChristianDK : January 10th, 2025-13:53
Watchfan1post from earlier this week reminded me of the lovely early era of FPJ. A time when the brand was a struggling upcoming independent watch maker. So much has happened since. The watches from this period had a lovely but inconsistent finish that pa...  

Ah delicious looking

By: ChristianDK : January 10th, 2025-18:53
I always want to take a bite of that dial when I see a close up. It’s extremely pretty. HAGWE my dear friend.

+1 for when inconsistency is a positive ! LOL

By: Jay (Eire) : January 10th, 2025-17:44
Not always the case, and also not always appreciated at the time. But like many things in life the passage of time allows a different interpretation. No brass for me today; but despite the multiplying Romain Gauthiers, it is a resumption of normal Friday ...  

…people would sometimes have the dials replaced for the later ones because they were not “perfect”

By: ChristianDK : January 10th, 2025-19:04
I’ve heard a few horror stories 😱 it’s not always easy to see things clearly in the present… I’m glad to see that you haven’t given up your CTS completely. It’s so Jay, I think 🤔 I’m still kicking myself for missing this boat. Enjoy your weekend my dear f... 

Yes, Gary. I’m back to my CS.

By: ChristianDK : January 11th, 2025-13:07
I had a long break from it due to the incoming FB but this morning I put it on again and it surprises me how GOOD it is. To me, it is perfection. Enjoy your weekend.


By: WatchFan1 : January 11th, 2025-16:54
Christian, is it plat case and WG dial? The light is playing tricks with my eyes

Hi my friend

By: ChristianDK : January 11th, 2025-17:24
Plat case and red gold dial. Funky shine as well. I love the Watch 🤗