Both truly spectacular.

May 17, 2023,14:03 PM

Case is cool, too.

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Tough decision …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 17th, 2023-12:34
Both are beautiful 🤩

I always look forward to your compositions

 By: TeutonicCarFan : May 17th, 2023-13:01
Red for me. Nice watch case to house them in!

Both truly spectacular.

 By: gpinto75 : May 17th, 2023-14:03
Case is cool, too.

Why one or the other?

 By: wover : May 17th, 2023-15:34
I'll take both! - W


 By: andrea~ : May 17th, 2023-21:28
I love them!

Such beautiful examples!

 By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : May 18th, 2023-13:19
Both are so elegant. I guess I would chose red. It's such an extraordinary color for a Catier.