So many cool details on this dial. Hoping to be able to add this reference to my collection in the future πŸ‘ [nt]

Apr 18, 2020,07:43 AM

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Love this watch

 By: TeutonicCarFan : April 6th, 2020-09:19
Those whimsical details are a large part with those numerals!

I got curious and started searching around....

 By: Overwound : April 6th, 2020-09:54
Nothing specific to that exact symbol, unfortunately. The telemeter scale on the dial was originally for judging artillery distance (thanks fo the info was in a past video review). Additional searching taught me that a circular symbol often sta... 

Amazing watch and thanks so much for the macro shots!

 By: Spencer Karrington : April 6th, 2020-10:35
I think the purpose of those is mostly artistic but I have no idea, it looks cool thought! Thanks also so much for the macro shots of those "dip" they are my fav part of the watch

This dial always looks like it would be...

 By: mdg : April 6th, 2020-11:29
...a bit difficult to read, especially at-a-glance. But I don't care at is just so damn fantastic to look at.

Very beatiful watch!!

 By: Ambiorix : April 6th, 2020-11:54
This enemal dial has so called arabic Breguet numerals, in this layout used since after the french revolution,the minute marker are stars and the so called little men on the 5 min. markers are stylised lily flowers(refering to the french court).This can b... 

Thank you also from me

 By: MNG : April 11th, 2020-05:41
I saw this watch in another thread and wondered about the dial and the red scale.