Exhibition: A.-L. Breguet and England at The Science Museum, London

Sep 12, 2023,13:02 PM

Just announced and beginning today. It will be on for a whole year so no reason to miss it!


Some photos I took of Breguet No.1297 for King George III retailed by Recordon of London (this was my second viewing after the sale of the watch at Sotheby's). One of the star exhibits available to see. 



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Wonderful photos, thx for posting.

 By: enjoythemusic : September 12th, 2023-13:15


 By: gadalex : September 13th, 2023-12:17

Shrink this down to 38-40mm...

 By: mdg : September 12th, 2023-15:27
...and you have my deposit : )

Imagine that for a second...

 By: gadalex : September 13th, 2023-12:17


 By: TheMadDruid : September 12th, 2023-19:08
I hope all the British forumers take advantage of this exhibition.

Marvellous Breguet.

 By: hora12reborn : September 12th, 2023-19:15

Thank you for the link / highlight..

 By: GuyT : September 12th, 2023-20:24
I will add it to my visit to London later this month.

Plenty of time to arrange!

 By: gadalex : September 13th, 2023-12:19