Yes. its beautiful watch for sure!! Brian

Nov 26, 2023,13:18 PM

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Blancpain Tornek Rayville TR 900. Another very nice one.

By: amanico : November 24th, 2023-07:29
Added in my census of photos taken or found on the net. This one, I could take some photos of, with the kind permission of its owner, who is one of our friends. As always, another wonderful piece of his collection. And well, seeing a Tornek Rayville in th...  

Has a chance to meet the previous owner in person last week in NY...

By: sub369 : November 29th, 2023-10:01
He basically told me that the Marines received one, misplace it and ask for a second one... and ends up with 2... He gave one to his son, one to his recreational diving buddy while leaving in the Bay Area. He told me that the scratch are natural and made ...