So nice and in Titanium, love it

Jun 01, 2024,08:13 AM

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Blancpain Leman Chronograph... In titanium.

By: amanico : June 1st, 2024-07:00
As promised, the Blancpain Leman Chrono I saw a couple of weeks ago. In Titanium, I very rarely saw it. Enjoy. Nioolas ...  

What I was told is: about 600 were made

By: blau : June 1st, 2024-12:17
But I wasn't so sure of the basis on which he was claiming that. So I'm going with 600 for now but still don't think I *know*

I am really enjoying mine!

By: blau : June 1st, 2024-12:13
Recently acquired. EXTREMELY light and I love the dull matte colors. ...