
Apr 06, 2023,11:03 AM

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I wonder if the moderators should rename this tab?

 By: @lberti : April 6th, 2023-06:51
"Baselword" & "SIHH" as trade fair names are history.... Any suggestion for a more suitable name?

Look But Can’t Buy Forum

 By: Cpt Scarlet : April 6th, 2023-08:08


 By: @lberti : April 6th, 2023-10:36


 By: FabR : April 6th, 2023-10:53


 By: @lberti : April 6th, 2023-11:03

That would be great!

 By: Tony.A. : April 6th, 2023-11:54

"Watch shows" will cover all bases. :-)

 By: MilDiver : April 7th, 2023-05:04
But then, Munich or Miami 2nd hand fairs would also be under this tab

Should be corrected, yes.

 By: ChristianDK : April 10th, 2023-08:05