It was definitely a learning experience

Jul 22, 2021,16:45 PM

In terms of putting the video together. But that’s part of the fun! I’m glad you enjoyed the video smile

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Some music

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-01:56
I've been here long enough that I feel comfortable sharing a performance of my own. Audio was done first, each part separately, then edited together. The same process was then done for video, and then the two were combined. Headphones recommended since th...  

That is what i call a solo quartet!

 By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : July 17th, 2021-03:00

I'm not sure

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-03:30
Which is tougher. Getting three other guitarists together or doing it yourself

It is not my own composition

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-15:30
But one of a former teacher, Kevin Taylor. Regardless, I'm glad you enjoyed!

Bravo, I enjoyed the performance!

 By: kesharoo : July 17th, 2021-05:59

Glad you liked it :)

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-15:30

It's my pleasure :)

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-15:31

Thank you very much!

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-15:32
Glad you enjoyed the vid


 By: NautNut : July 17th, 2021-12:58

Thanks! 🙏

 By: mhz vph : July 17th, 2021-15:32

You've made my morning!

 By: Gwai : July 18th, 2021-10:02
Largely thanks to original and inspired posts like yours, coming here is such a delight. Cheers Marc

Thank you!

 By: mhz vph : July 18th, 2021-16:45
Glad to hear you enjoyed the video!

My pleasure!

 By: mhz vph : July 21st, 2021-22:30
Glad you liked it

Really excellent rendition

 By: xplorer2 : July 22nd, 2021-15:17
and loads of post production work to get it together. Thanks for sharing. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

It was definitely a learning experience

 By: mhz vph : July 22nd, 2021-16:45
In terms of putting the video together. But that’s part of the fun! I’m glad you enjoyed the video

In my dreams I'm as good at pool . . .

 By: Dr No : July 22nd, 2021-16:59
. . . as you are at guitar.


 By: mhz vph : July 22nd, 2021-18:31
If you’re ever in Austin, we can play some pool. Though I’d be a very easy opponent 😅