Conquête du Temps

Jul 23, 2024,13:23 PM

The diligent reader of Emmanuel Breguet's Breguet Watchmakers since 1775 will remember a thumbnail image (glossary, page 353) featuring Breguet from the 1958 trilogy of frescoes The Conquest of Time by Hans Erni (1905-2015); for the curious reader is enclosed the full fresco (Philosophy of time measurement) which Breguet appears in along with the other two frescoes entitled: History of time measurement & ​​Technique of time measurement, larger images of the Philosophy of time measurement painting are also enclosed. I think the frescoes can be seen at the Musée international d'horlogerie.

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That's quite a fresco!

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : July 23rd, 2024-16:51
Thanks for sharing it!

1958 World's Fair: Swiss pavilion

 By: Ratskunk : July 23rd, 2024-17:00
The Hans Enri Conquête du Temps frescoes were made for the watch section of the Swiss pavilion for the 1958 World's Fair; enclosed is a picture of part of the watch section and the reader can see the fresco History of Time Measurement in the background. ...