TOO MANY OF THESE REPORTS, aren't there???

Jul 12, 2008,16:02 PM

Man, so sorry to see this. I feel like we see a report like this much too frequently. I will say again, it has honestly stropped me from buying certain PP pieces. I really dread the service issues, waiting time...

I do wish you luck in this repair, hopefully it will be quick and painless!

Best wishes.

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I'm not sure that 5980 has a fly-back function.

 By: Vilit : July 9th, 2008-21:07
Just got this 5980 for two weeks. Playing around with the chronograph function..... Try the fly-back and then.... Oooh I don't know I want to laugh or to cry..... I found it is not the fly-back function. It is the FLY-AWAY ! PS: In my record, the modern P...  


 By: SteveH : July 9th, 2008-21:18
Actually my favorite part of the flyback function is that it makes the chronograph much more foolproof. Not sure it's fair to blame your problem on Patek though. Pushing the return button while the chorono is running on a non-flyback chrono will break any... 

I'll blame it on Patek coz 5980 has fly-back function and...

 By: Vilit : July 9th, 2008-23:38
it used to work well on my first week usage.

oh damn!

 By: SteveH : July 10th, 2008-02:31
haha sorry. I did not realize the 5980 is supposed to have a flyback. I personally think that hand looks good floating over there ;P

Mine works

 By: docbchan : July 9th, 2008-22:02
The flyback function of mine works well. It was a bit scary the first time I pushed the button as I'm not sure if it works. I must say that your picture was hilarious and made me laugh. Must hit the list of funniest picture of the year. Try to see the fun... 

Your 5980 has a real fly-back movement and ....

 By: Vilit : July 9th, 2008-23:43
Thank you for your compliment on my pictures. I'm laughing to myself now..

Expensive piece of art!

 By: min : July 10th, 2008-02:32
Not meant to be fiddle with or move/worn too often especially for their relatively new 5960/5980 and complicated watches.. It has been more than 2 years now since the chrono hands problem appeared in the 1st batch of 5960,it may take sometime until their ... 


 By: mr30 : July 10th, 2008-04:38

excuse me : am I drunk or I see in the pic. an additional pointer red near the data nr. ??

 By: chronoman19 : July 11th, 2008-00:36
......... yes the white hand with the red top part maybe it's a joke or a new version ??? thanks

Walter..Didn't dare to ask

 By: amanico : July 11th, 2008-00:40
But I noticed it, too... And I jumped on the PP catalogue to check... You, and I, weren't drunk... Nicolas

Are you asking about the hand with red pointer at three?

 By: Dje : July 11th, 2008-03:27
Hi, If that's the one you're talking about, that's the chronograph hand that is walking around for a free ride! Dje

ROFL, Jerome! [nt]

 By: amanico : July 11th, 2008-03:45