Texex91, you need to open your eyes to the owners on PPro

Mar 12, 2018,13:49 PM

Most Patek owners here also own other brands and are fans of other brands. I am a fan of both Patek and RM watches as well as JLC, AP, Zenith, Heuer to name a few. Being a fan of Patek and another brand is not mutually exclusive for some of us. Don’t take some critical thoughts as a sign of snobbishness or defensiveness.

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Patek Philippe generations

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-10:12
For over 175 years Patek Philippe have enjoyed a status that certainly very few can share at the top table of haute horology. What make Patek Philippe so great? I get asked this all the time. The answer is relatively simple- consistency. Patek’s reputatio...  

What he said is true.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-10:19
Open a window and let some of that stuffy 175 year old air out. Most refreshing brand to come along in years--certainly the one that pushes the envelope. Some companies are leading the future, while others live in the past. RM makes 4400 per year. PP 44,0... 

Totally agree

 By: Next : March 12th, 2018-10:29
But RM has not prove itself they dont even have their own movements. They are great in marketing strategy but dont think it will last for next 150 years. Just my thought

Who knows. I can say Vaucher movements have been accurate than any PP I owned.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-10:34
Only thing I know in 150 years we will all be dead. I live for today, not 150 years from now.

Time will tell, no pun intended!

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:11
But they are definitely different and launched a whole tsunami of wanna be watches Best Imran

Don’t think anyone is upset

 By: Baron - Mr Red : March 12th, 2018-10:36
And I don’t have a problem with RM watches. I think they are a fantastic fashion statement.

Not everything can be as ground breaking as a 5711...so advanced in movement and material.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-10:40
I'll let the 'generations' discuss. Riveting answers coming I'm sure.

Picked the wrong guy on 5711.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : March 12th, 2018-10:48
I find it one of the more boring watches from PP.

Depends on what is considered ground breaking, for me true innivations include

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:15
Balance bridge- Rolex Zero reset- Lange Co-axial omega/ Daniels Antimagnetic movement-omega Silicone- omega/patek/rolex colab Just my thoughts on real world contribution to horology Best Imran

I'm the first to admit I'm a Patek collector through and through and, at one point, had very little appreciation for the design, complication, and brand ethos of many other manufacturers, including RM.

 By: 5980 : March 12th, 2018-11:14
My instinct WAS to dismiss a brand like RM simply because i) it is different, and ii) I didn't understand it. Fortunately, through the absorption of information from other seasoned collectors (such as yourself, Tex) I've been able to develop my appreciati... 

I guess I'm confused by the uproar over RM saying...

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-11:23
"We don't do watches to put in the safe for the next generation" Seems pretty straight forward to me. Nothing offensive about it. Here is another quote I like...especially about the 'conformist watch world' that seems to be prevalent after 175 years. ...  

Tex, I'm fairly certain based on my read of the posts that there isn't much of an uproar here. Nor a feeling of offense taken.

 By: 5980 : March 12th, 2018-11:43
As I wrote, I don't appreciate the quoted advertising (in this case by RM), but I'm neither offended nor in delirium as a result. I simply don't appreciate the strategy as an effective means of promotion. Full stop. With respect, it seems the initial post... 

Well said. 👍

 By: KCLQMULKU : March 12th, 2018-14:38

Genuinely not upset, just giving a counter opinion

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:09
I only get upset when people are involved Having lost a son and both my parents and the job I do Trust me watches or opinions on Watches will never ever get me upset But I do get happy when someone buys acwatch they love and it brings them joy If RM watch... 

Nice wrap up Miranda!

 By: Passionata_george : March 12th, 2018-10:19
No message body

Gawd, you are always so alienating!

 By: TheMadDruid : March 12th, 2018-10:46
Patek, Rolex, Liverpool...

I'm shocked now! :)

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : March 12th, 2018-11:35
I don't understand why someone would appreciate it Cheers D

These two posts have certainly fired up some people

 By: Poky : March 12th, 2018-11:33
Seems like we have some die hard fans or are they the CEO of the brands, I can't tell

. [nt]

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-11:35
No message body

I guess a fan, but honestly it was just a viewpoint!!

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:20
Best Regards Thierry

:-) [nt]

 By: Poky : March 12th, 2018-15:19

Very well said..bravo!

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : March 12th, 2018-11:36
Cheers D

"look after it" implies precious, fragile

 By: als1678 : March 12th, 2018-11:57
I agree with most of what you wrote about the special place that PP occupies. And I don't want to reduce the discussion down to pure semantics. But in my opinion the connection between the ability of PP to service vintage watches and it's slogan is tenuou... 

Thank you for a considered post and fair and excellent points

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:22
As for the advertising The ability to look after the watch generation after generations was part if the advertising As explained to me by Patek when the advertising started Best Imran

Not Patek’s fault

 By: Brego : March 12th, 2018-12:03
It’s hardly Patek’s fault that a segment of Patek owners decides to use them as investment instead of wearing them? Patek’s boast of safeguarding for the next generation is more a statement to their quality and the superb service PP gives. Let’s see how R... 

RM will be hitting 20 years

 By: Joepny : March 12th, 2018-12:46
and I think they deserve credit for building a very savvy business plan and executing it well. RM watches are so light, it's just awesome. But RM has miles to go before they can stand toe-to-toe with PP. The day in the future when there are dozens of book... 

Very valid points. [nt]

 By: ChristianDK : March 12th, 2018-13:01

I've been hearing the same talking points for 15 years...maybe one day we'll know.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-13:09
At the end of the day, I have a feeling no matter what, PP fan boy's are always going to snub their nose at any brand not PP. So it really doesn't matter. Wonder if the old school car crowd thought the same of Tesla.

Texex91, you need to open your eyes to the owners on PPro

 By: Joepny : March 12th, 2018-13:49
Most Patek owners here also own other brands and are fans of other brands. I am a fan of both Patek and RM watches as well as JLC, AP, Zenith, Heuer to name a few. Being a fan of Patek and another brand is not mutually exclusive for some of us. Don’t take... 

Hey Tex. What exactly are you trying to achieve by repeatedly exhibiting the self righteous behavior you seem so keen to attribute solely to owners of one particular watch brand?

 By: 5980 : March 12th, 2018-14:17
You’ve been antagonistic all day. I’ll speak for myself: enough already. And no, that is not the picture of a rare reference I had requested 😀!!

You ladies are too funny in PP section. Just too easy.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-14:27
Most action on PP sub forum since someone posted an incoming Aquanaut. Exciting times indeed.... OP got his feathers ruffled because of some quote that doesn't even mention PP by name. Kinda silly to begin with if you ask me. Anyways, look forward to the ... 

The only thing that was easy

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:53
Was getting you to resort to insults Please refrain from being churlish I don’t mind an alternative viewpoint And reasoned discussion But dont push it with insults Fair warning Best Imran

Well said Imran [nt]

 By: 5980 : March 12th, 2018-15:25
No message body

Oh please. [nt]

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-16:35


 By: Joepny : March 12th, 2018-16:19

You know what--you are not worth my reply. You're not important to me.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-17:31
Mods...if you want to blast me fine, I really don't care. But these personal attacks are not needed.

I certainly didn't intend to belittle you nor the RM brand, but this is apropos for this discussion.

 By: 5980 : March 12th, 2018-18:02
I'm sorry you feel like you've been insulted. I'm a believer in the idea that we each own what we say (or write). Clearly, I've misinterpreted your thoughtful insights

. [nt]

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-18:05

Precisely put sir! [nt]

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:24

Fan boys of Patek usually have a Richard Mille too

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:24
And Rolex Some even have s seiko! Best Fan boy Miranda 🤗😘

Probable, yes.

 By: Joepny : March 12th, 2018-14:22
At least there will not be hundreds more of the new sealed Pateks. At some point in 10-15 years, the current sealed Pateks will need to be serviced, especially if it gets sold & the new owner has to check that it works properly and if it goes to the manuf... 

Where were 10 years ago all the current RM fans?

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : March 12th, 2018-13:23
When you could buy a second hand RM Felipe Massa for 18k! Or RM 008 was 60% discounted brand new! How many RM's collectors know that time only movements come from Vaucher and the complicated ones from AP-RP? Do they know that RM 011 is likely one the wors...  

No one is fighting, merely presenting the other side of the coin.

 By: texex91 : March 12th, 2018-13:31
And I hate to spread the bad news to you, but PP is more interesting to Rappers and football players these days. e ...  

Actually I couldn't care less, of these unpaid ambassadors 😁

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : March 12th, 2018-13:40
As you wrote, Patek makes 10 times more watches than RM, so no surprise that those shining Nautilus belong to the same category of people (I mean wealthy show business stars) Like AP, Hublot, VC, and any other expensive watch that is supposed to give an u... 

What was it about? It sounds to me that RM is feeling a bit insecure

 By: drphileasfogg : March 12th, 2018-13:26
Often one criticizes what one cannot be.... does not reflect good on RM. A zero class comment.

We are here on PuristSPro...

 By: foversta : March 12th, 2018-13:28
and our motto is to enjoy watches whatever they are Patek, RM or Lange or Omega. But I can also consider that Patek starts to be a victim of its strategy. Patek has communicated a lot about the patrimonial value of their watches. It is obviously a strong ... 

Just to be clear....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : March 12th, 2018-13:44
Under your definition, you would not call any member of this forum a “Patek collector”?

I’m happy you are a happy owner

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:31
And I am happy we have Patek collectors too like Kari, Julian, Baron, Fabio etc Best Imran

That's it! I'm leaving! [nt]

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : March 12th, 2018-14:03

Okay, I'm back.

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : March 12th, 2018-14:04
What'd I miss?

Lmao 😆!

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:29
I may change my name I actually really like fan boy I’ll let the forum decide!!! Best Miranda

I vote yes!!!

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : March 13th, 2018-14:20
No way that someone will think again you are dame

From an early-mid 20 watch enthusiast

 By: masy7 : March 12th, 2018-14:41
Dear all, I have been mostly a lurker on this forum, one that religiously checks in everyday for new posts. I am indefinitely grateful for the exposure this forum has given me and taught me about all types of watches. From Bill for the vintage rolexes to ... 

Wooow, thats how you make a post! Superb and 💯 % agree every word you wrote

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-14:47
thank you. And pleeeeease post more often!!! Best Imran

I fully agree with you...

 By: foversta : March 12th, 2018-14:48
I think Patek's slogan is one of the smartest and longest-lasting marketing campaign in this industry, and I personally identify with it. --> you are so true! And I also think Richard Mille's new instagram post is equally ingenious, having a smart dig at ... 

I don’t see it as a dig at the brand

 By: Miranda : March 12th, 2018-15:01
Its more a slap in yhe face of Patek owners Remember Miles He took his 5970p swimming So the statement was crass Thats my point Expect more integrity from RM Best Imran

Perfect, SY.

 By: TheMadDruid : March 12th, 2018-15:32
As long as you are smiling when you check what's on your wrist...

At least this post made us react

 By: dms : March 12th, 2018-14:55
I didn’t know where to post, either in the Richard Mille or the Patek forum. Being the lucky owner of both a 5712 and a (still today) RM010, I think I’m entitled to post on both sides ;-) To me I don’t see anything more than a marketing “coup” in this RM ... 

Thanks ! [nt]

 By: dms : March 13th, 2018-09:03

Great post and many thougtful insights

 By: watch-guy.com : March 12th, 2018-16:14
Rather than bagging one brand over another, I will stick to PP ( as that is essentially what I collect- yes I am a collector rather than an owner) I think the history of PP is what entices me. I am not a great fan of the modern stuff and have made my opin... 

Patek Philippe is a great brand with great product...

 By: patrick_y : March 12th, 2018-23:21
There are many other brands with great products and beautifully designed timepieces. Vacheron Constantin, A. Lange & Soehne, Breguet, Audemars Piguet, and a few others. Why does Patek Philippe stand out? Probably because Patek Philippe has more well d... 

Totally agree with your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs.

 By: vitalsigns : March 13th, 2018-12:22
Like with Rolex, there are many who buy Patek predominantly as a symbol of luxury. I wonder if some people (not all, for sure) who collect only Patek or Rolex truly like watches for what they are or mostly just like the symbols of luxury. Worse with Rolex... 

The Rolex crowd at least knows...

 By: patrick_y : March 13th, 2018-13:21
The Rolex crowd at least knows that there are other watches out there. There are so many Patek Philippe buyers who, through their lack of knowledge, insist that Patek Philippe is the best and stubbornly refuse to accept that there are brands that are equi... 

The next generation …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : March 13th, 2018-07:15
will immediately sell your beloved Patek and blow the cash on wild girls fast cars and crazy nights .....who could blame them ! Maybe that should be the advertising campaign ?

LOL ! [nt]

 By: dms : March 13th, 2018-09:02

That's actually true...

 By: patrick_y : March 13th, 2018-13:22
Millennials generally aren't in love with mechanical watches, vintage automobiles, antique French furniture... Look at vintage furniture, heavy French antique furniture is down, because millennials who inherit homes filled with this style just end up sell... 

There is always next generation ;)

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : March 13th, 2018-14:15
...and passion and interests usually goes from grandparents to grandchildren .... of course if you have children...

How true! [nt]

 By: vitalsigns : March 14th, 2018-09:39


 By: nomadgiles : March 14th, 2018-01:00
I’ve already told my 3 kids I’m going to blow their inheritance on first class air travel and fine wine - their may just be a watch for each left ;-)

LOL!!! Exactly! ;) [nt]

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : March 14th, 2018-02:23