My 3 year old daughter wears it everyday

Jan 08, 2017,19:44 PM

Sadly everything is 7 o'clock. My 9 year old doesn't's on his iPad!

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I love the Patek slogan so much that I need my children to like watches. Hence, with the holidays, I continued to inspire or...

 By: GLau : January 7th, 2017-09:26
..."force feed" my children to move forward with their horological journey so that they will eventually want (or would not be despised) to take possession of my watches. Fortunately, they love buying and wearing watches, just like their father ! I set the...  

Hi Nicolas, they love the Chopard urushi jungle because of the ....

 By: GLau : January 7th, 2017-09:37
....animals ! Perhaps that is how I could get them to love artisanal dials? But who should do give the 5131G time ? ...  

Now that is a real family portrait. Bravo.

 By: Bill : January 7th, 2017-09:30
Best wishes to you and your family for 2017. Enjoy Bill

Thanks Bill, my wife was kind of....

 By: GLau : January 7th, 2017-09:41
against buying more watches for the children ! I convinced her by saying the new watches can help our children to read time. She agreed ! LOL ! The horological journey may not be easy with my other half ! LOL ! Cheers, Gordon

I agree!

 By: marcelo : January 7th, 2017-18:06


 By: Alkiro1 : January 8th, 2017-11:52
Best wishes Alkiro

Hi Alkiro, you are correct ! Last Christmas...

 By: GLau : January 8th, 2017-16:10
I got Hello Kitty Special Edition and Sophia the first Special Edition for them. Hence, they enjoyed wearing watches even though they could not really read time yet. LOL ! Cheers, Gordon ...  

Really cute shot Gordon ;-)

 By: Alkiro1 : January 8th, 2017-21:55
Best wishes Alkiro

Hi Geross, for now I am feeling...

 By: GLau : January 8th, 2017-16:18
generous, However, if they eventually have no interest in watches or misbehave, should I change my mind. ? Cheers, Gordon

Wonderful photo, Gordon.

 By: Bounce781 : January 7th, 2017-13:35
My 3yo little monster already has his eye on Daddy\'s watches (Omega 300M C Axial is the fave). Necessary features for him: crown he can wind, bezel to turn and display back to look through. Of course, he is a little rough on my watches now so I\'ve sacri...  

Hi bounce, glad to hear that you started your son so early !

 By: GLau : January 12th, 2017-06:05
I was not willing to sacrifice any of my watches so I bought them the swatches below when they were 5 years old. Cheers, Gordon ...  


 By: Bounce781 : January 12th, 2017-13:02
I should have given him a swatch or Flik-Flak but now only my old Seiko5 will do. Luckily, I am no longer into 2-tone bracelets so he can have it. Must say, Seiko are built to last. I can\'t believe that watch is still ticking after what my now-3yo puts i...  

That's a charming topic Gordon

 By: Mark in Paris : January 7th, 2017-13:43
I don't have kids but as long as they have fun and it remains educational at the same time, it is perfect imho. It will be nice assisting them into this journey, especially as in the future it is not that natural for people to go toward the mechanical wat... 

Hi Mark, so who will you...

 By: GLau : January 13th, 2017-08:46
pass your Pateks to eventually? If you want them to go to the next generation of PuristS from PuristPro, my children will volunteer! LOL ! Cheers, Gordon

So far...

 By: KMII : January 7th, 2017-14:47
It\'s still early days. The first watch my daughter got was a NOS Fortis Mini Flipper, so handwound, no date The next was a FlikFlak. But as she\'s yet to reach three, it\'s more play than anything else Thanks for sharing!

Hi KMII , impressive that your daughter is 3 and knows ...

 By: GLau : January 14th, 2017-07:18
how to wind a watch ! She must have your PuristS DNA. Cheers, Gordon

Not quite there yet...

 By: KMII : January 14th, 2017-07:42
A fake it till you make it attempt from daddy But she enjoys the sound it makes...

+1 :) [nt]

 By: KMII : January 14th, 2017-13:07

Yes Luis, I need to set the criteria, otherwise ...

 By: GLau : January 14th, 2017-07:20
they would buy something that does not help them to tell time at all. LOL! Cheers, Gordon

Great topic Gordon! Totally feel you ;)

 By: Horologically_minded : January 7th, 2017-21:23
Btw, does the back of your limited edition 6000r have a removable cover? Thought I saw a "lip" at the bottom of the rear side=) J

Hi J, the ear on the case back is...

 By: GLau : January 15th, 2017-08:14
...used for watchmakers to open the case. The 6000 is not designed as an officer case, hence in order to have the engraved map of one China (inclusive of Taiwan), a hard case is used. Cheers, Gordon

Way to go, man! :) [nt]

 By: Dufourism : January 7th, 2017-21:39

Hi nilfire77, your chopard is also...

 By: GLau : January 15th, 2017-08:15
a great piece as an heirloom watch! Cheers, Gordon

Looking good Glau!

 By: patrick_y : January 8th, 2017-03:45
And starting them on Maki-e and other stuff too? Your "avatar" photo caught my eye.

Thanks Patrick, simple watches first for the kids and then move up to...

 By: GLau : January 15th, 2017-08:19
...enamel, urushi, etc. In additional to developing their appreciation of mechanical watches, perhaps they could be inspired to be artisans for handcrafted dial ? Cheers, Gordon

Does anyone feel that crown edges on 5712 or 5711 are too sharp?

 By: carnegie : January 8th, 2017-04:18
I love my 5712A but at times, light and beautiful, but feel that crown edges are too sharp and cut into the wrist. I wish the edges were a bit smoother like on some other Patek models or on all Rolexes.

As an enthusiast of all timepieces, I certainly do not discriminate!

 By: KCLQMULKU : January 8th, 2017-07:01
All three of these watches are beautiful in their own light. lol The real question is which wrist will inherit the Patek...? ;-)

Very good question ! Patek 6000 China version will go to the one who has better...

 By: GLau : January 16th, 2017-07:54
technical knowledge of watch movements ! The other will get the my wife\'s Patek ladies China version. Sounds fair? Cheers, Gordon ...  

I think that is fair. ;-)

 By: KCLQMULKU : January 16th, 2017-11:55
But what happens if both have equal knowledge...? lol

Darn, you raised a very good question ! Guess if they have the same level of technical knowledge, then they need to ...

 By: GLau : January 17th, 2017-07:50
compete on watch design, artisanal dial work, etc If still a tie, then I need to buy more Pateks! Cheers, Gordon

Nice family wrist shot!

 By: traineract : January 8th, 2017-07:15
Good to start appreciating the finer things in life from young. 2 thumbs up!

Thanks traineract! You need to...

 By: GLau : January 16th, 2017-07:55
dothe same ! Cheers, Gordon

My 3 year old daughter wears it everyday

 By: Patekphilippecollector : January 8th, 2017-19:44
Sadly everything is 7 o\'clock. My 9 year old doesn\'t\'s on his iPad!

Weeeeell he is showing an interest

 By: Patekphilippecollector : January 13th, 2017-06:19

Well, you have a watchmaker in the ...

 By: GLau : January 17th, 2017-07:57
making. The loupe on his forehead looks cute and quite professional! He might be the first watchmaker that does not like to wear a watch! LOL ! Cheers, Gordon

Ha ha let's see

 By: Patekphilippecollector : January 18th, 2017-05:02

Congrats !, Seems like your son is destined to be a watchmaker, ...

 By: GLau : January 20th, 2017-02:48
surgeon, micro-mechanical engineer, or all of the above !

Great post

 By: ch9698 : January 12th, 2017-12:56
unfortunately my daughter doesn't like watches Fortunately my son like, so for his 18 birthday: ...  

Thanks ch9698 ! You son seems to be

 By: GLau : January 17th, 2017-08:03
the heir apparent to your great collection ! He is a very blessed young man to have such a meaningful and wonderful birthday present for his 18th year ! May the father and son team in your household enjoy many memorable moments in collecting watches toget... 

Very nice to get them started young Gordon. Thats a nice piece

 By: CaptainCrunch : January 20th, 2017-08:12
That seems to be the trend at this year\'s SIHH!

Thanks CaptainCrunch! Your children are truly blessed with your not one but ...

 By: GLau : January 20th, 2017-08:29
possibly TWO Nauti 40th watches ! Cheers, Gordon

CaptainCrunch, assuming your daughter is still relatively young, you should start her on own ...

 By: GLau : January 20th, 2017-22:04
horological journey ASAP! Force feed if necessary! LOL !