Good God!

Feb 20, 2018,12:15 PM

Is this the dark side??!! If that is so, I think I am going to do a sit in and not move smile

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Help! I am not sure what bug I have caught

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-10:59
as it is only February and I have bought three watches with a fourth on its way. For some of you, that may be nothing spectacular but when one started the year with only two watches and suddenly one has five, seven weeks later, it is quite a shock to the ...  

What’s the problem my friend? You’re just deeply addict 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : February 20th, 2018-11:13
Big congratulations for this truly gorgeous Patek. At that pace, you’ll end 2018 with more watches than all of us here πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ Best wishes Alkiro

Thanks Alkiro!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:24
but this addiction must stop!! Ha! I may hold a jumble sale of small Pateks one of these days

Sounds terminal to me :-)

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:36
Oh well, better luck next life I guess

You are not giving me much hope Alkiro!!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:00
Maybe in my next life, I will collect independents!!

Or during the 2018 second semester 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : February 20th, 2018-12:01
Best wishes Alkiro

Second semester???!!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:03
I will be targeting the Patek skeleton my friend (and only the Patek skeleton!!!)

Fortunately for me, the situation is quite straightforward

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:13
if I buy anything else from now to August, I can say goodbye to the skeleton and as you know, I am obliged to buy this watch which is a commitment I am happy to fulfill!

I have concluded that

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:25
you are THE devil in disguise my friend!! Now that I am retired with zero income, low interest rates are quite irrelevant for me. I think if I buy anything else, I shall have to start selling something (and the Aston went last year). So it would have to b... 

The definition of 'master' can be construed either way

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:40
It could mean I have overcome my addiction and stop tormenting Patek dealers or it could mean, I continue hunting down these beautiful dress watches that most women would adore and most men would frown upon!

Thank you very much Alkiro for saying so!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:53
I think I am but it is still nice coming from a watch authority like yourself!

Modest as expected :-)

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-13:14
For me you are an authority Alkiro - hey, you spend enough time on here, you must be an authority by now!! If I ever do want to part with the 1530A, I shall be in touch but it is almost irreplaceable in my collection and coincidentally, the only one witho... 

Hopefully forever unless

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-13:20
you keep encouraging me to add to my collection!!!

You are most welcome Alkiro!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-13:28
And since purchasing it, you are the only other man who has ever tried it on! I shall keep it well

Thank you for the honour my friend πŸ™

 By: Alkiro1 : February 20th, 2018-13:32
Best wishes Alkiro

Please don't mention it my friend!!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-13:58
Now I must try to sleep. It is 6am here!

Thirty seven years in the UK

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-21:08
it is not so easy to adjust to a plus eight hour time zone!! It did cross my mind to work as a security guard on a night shift to help finance the purchase of my next Patek!

I am open to any suggestions my dear friend!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-04:06
Any brands looking a night security guard who is 'trustworthy'??!!

That would be a dream job Alkiro!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-04:50
I doubt if anyone here would be seriously willing to work as a security guard in the Valley de Joux(as everyone is quite normal unlike me!) but I promise you, I gladly would. The only problem is that I am jet lagged here not there so I will have to settle... 

I think I have a better chance

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-05:05
at mastering any martial arts compared to the impossible but absolutely lovely French language!!

I tried once 18 years ago in London and

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-07:51
went out with a French girl for a few months. Apart for J'taime, I did not learn much else!!!

I have heard you speak and seen your writing

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-08:18
so your teacher was obviously a lot better than mine!! Or perhaps, you are a better student than I ever was!!!

Lucky you!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-09:37
I did my degree in Cardiff in Wales and in my three years there, not a single Welsh girl gave me a second look!

Just because you didn’t drink beer my friend πŸ˜‰ Nothing else

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-09:44
I had mine in Swansea. Best wishes Alkiro

You were in Swansea??!!!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-09:47
You stole our women with your attractive French accent which explains why they ignored me!! Catherine Zeta Jones?!

I was there in 2001/2002. You’re right! The French accent offers a lot of interesting possibilities he he 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-10:01
Unfortunately, I never met Catherine there. Michael met her before me 😩 Best wishes Alkiro

You are such a young punk my friend!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-10:06
I was there from 1982 to 1985 when Catherine was still at Swansea! That silly Michael is just one fatal attraction!!

Or worst! A basic instinct πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-11:23
Best wishes Alkiro

Life is quite unfair!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-11:35
How come he gets all the best parts and still gets to end up with Catherine??!!

Very true πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-12:33
Best wishes Alkiro

Good God Alkiro!!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-08:20
For a split second, I thought it was my 1530A blown up into a clock!! Okay, whats the damage?! I like Erwin Sattler clocks and that moonphase is quite alluring. But I must resist! I must! I must!! I must!!!

I think I do not even have to resist

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-09:39
because this clock must cost way too much. Have I said how enchanting that moon looks?! Very nice. And stop being such a devil!!!

Right now I am not sure how you are doing it

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-09:51
but you are sitting on both my shoulders!!! Aaargh!!!!

Ha ha LOL πŸ˜‚

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-10:01
Best wishes Alkiro

Oi you!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-10:09
You are getting heavy on my shoulders! Not sure how that is possible when you mainly eat all that fancy haute cuisine food!

I’m just tall πŸ˜πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-11:31
Best wishes Alkiro

And I am just the opposite I know!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-11:37
Will actually give the Malaysian AD for Erwin Sattler a call tomorrow to find out what your friendship is costing me!

Is there an anti dote?!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-12:13

Na! The poison is far better than the antidote πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-12:32
Best wishes Alkiro

I hope you are at least being fair

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-19:00
and spreading it around and not just making me your exclusive victim!!

I have heard stories about a horological hitman

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-23:22
but I always thought it was an urban legend! I think I will sacrifice myself and let you focus on one victim as I fight you off bravely!

And I have little doubt

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-23:27
that you are THE horological hitman but I shall go down fighting!

We’re a lot on each continent. But shh! πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 21st, 2018-23:40
Best wishes Alkiro

I have defeated the rest!

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-00:49
You are the mother ship! You have churned them out like a cat given birth to kittens! You are the ultimate and only hitman!

ROFL πŸ˜‚ Thank you for the compliment

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-00:52
Best wishes Alkiro

What does ROFL stand for??

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-00:58
Rule Over Fellow Lesbians?!

Ooops! I am so old fashioned

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-01:41
not just in my watches but even in the abbreviations! I learn something new! Now, if you have finished rolling on floor laughing, go visit a watch shop. They should be open by now If I was living in Geneva, my credit card would be maxed out!!

Everyday I try to resist to the temptation πŸ˜‡

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-02:48
Best wishes Alkiro

You are a hitman with willpower my friend!!

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-03:10
It is like a drug dealer who does not consume his own drugs!!!

Excellent analogy my friend πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-03:18
Best wishes Alkiro

To the best, from the best, all the best! :-)

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-05:57
Have a good day my friend.

but as you know

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-08:35
I am on London or Geneva time so I am wide awake looking for posts to reply to. I have banned myself from looking at used watches sites!!

Possibly πŸ˜‹

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-11:40
Best wishes Alkiro

One is never safe

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-11:47
when the horology hitman is awake!!

Ha ha ha 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-11:52
Best wishes Alkiro

It has just occurred to me

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-11:57
that this might be the longest exchange of banter on the forum ever!! Thank you for your preseverance!!!

on this note

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-12:10
I shall call it a night my friend. It is 4.10am and I have a hot date with Catherine in dreamland. Nope, you cannot join in!

Enjoy my friend πŸ˜‰ Good night

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-12:14
Best wishes Alkiro

She stood me up :-(

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-20:34

Arghh! Next time that should be ok πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 22nd, 2018-23:52
Best wishes Alkiro

Next time,

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-03:40
I will send you instead. That French accent will win her over!! My bald head will not!

Who knows! That could work πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 23rd, 2018-03:51
Best wishes Alkiro

I think I will stick to watches

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-03:56
and leave the Welsh women to you!

Thank you. You’re a true gentleman 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : February 23rd, 2018-04:05
Best wishes Alkiro

There is no way I can compete

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-04:11
with a Mark Rufallo look alike with a French accent!

Don’t be jealous you can join us πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 23rd, 2018-08:03
Best wishes Alkiro

I'm too old for threesomes. [nt]

 By: TheMadDruid : February 23rd, 2018-09:01

Never too old for such things πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 23rd, 2018-09:10
Best wishes Alkiro

On this note I must agree with Alkiro

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-10:41
You would be an asset to any threesome!!

I was really hoping Catherine would make the threesome

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-10:40
instead of Mike! With both of you in the same room as me, I would end up buying Lange watches!!

One hitman is bad enough, two is just an overkill!!

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-11:08
Give me a chance gentlemen, p_l_e_a_s_e_!!!!!

Na! No second chance in our business 😁

 By: Alkiro1 : February 23rd, 2018-11:21
Best wishes Alkiro

Spoken like a true Pro!

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-11:32
Been doing it for awhile I guess huh?! Practise makes perfect!! I am most fortunate that Geneva and Kuala Lumpur are miles apart - even then I know you will have little mercy!!

Hehe πŸ˜‰

 By: Alkiro1 : February 23rd, 2018-13:38
Best wishes Alkiro

Wonderful Kari!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:27
I had no idea they made the 3820 in platinum too. I knew they did some in yellow gold in the 80s. Would it be possible to see your 3820P? Does it have the same numerals?

Time to reduce!

 By: dr.kol : February 20th, 2018-11:53
I do not remember what I have and what I don't. I remembered the material, 177 movement and Breguet numbers. But the case shape was different. Sorry! Best, Kari ...  

Ah yes Kari

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:59
I knew you had a platinum 3842P but for a moment I thought you also had a 3820P which would be terribly rare. Lovely watch the 3842P and I had considered the 3842R but I had problems winding it due to the recessed position of the crown.

I'll show later something terribly rare like

 By: dr.kol : February 20th, 2018-12:13
1 of 1 or 2 x 1 of one. Lol! Best, Kari

That's way out of my league Kari!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:17
but I believe the 3820 was never made in platinum so if you had one, it would have been a piece unique for Mr Platinum!!

Thank you! :-)

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:31
I am just going the opposite direction as usual and buying anything small and simple that suits my wrist!

I seem to remember...

 By: TheMadDruid : February 20th, 2018-11:31
Congratulations, anyway. It's a beauty and it is so you.

Thank you Mike! :-)

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:33
I am seriously hoping that I have bought all the Pateks that are so me or else I shall be seduced again and again!!

Well done it's just a case of common WPS virus...

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 20th, 2018-11:50
soon you'll have acquired immunity and doing watch per day as rest of infected Big congrats! Great catch!! Cheers D

Really? Just a common virus huh?!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:52
That's ok then. I thought I was the only one Thank you for the congrats.

After ~10 Pateks, that's the only one here

 By: enjoythemusic : February 20th, 2018-11:50
Great choice! Got rid of all other Pateks years ago, yet kept that one for tux wear. She is truly lovely, but please remember the very thin case is FRAGILE and can bend. The modded Piaget 9P ultra-thin hand-wound movement by Patek within it is very nice. ... 

The thin case can bend???

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-11:56
I shall take your word for it and not even test that notion!! We have not too dissimilar tastes I notice and yes, the 3820R would be perfect for tux wear. May I ask if there is any reason why you got rid of all of your other Pateks? Is this the side effec... 


 By: enjoythemusic : February 20th, 2018-12:11
Change of lifestyle as i have become far more active in life. Growing younger by the day. Also decided to avoid anything formal as much as possible, though do own a few tuxes, etc. Call it Salt Life It is 87F here right now, sunny, and beach sunset will b...  

Gorgeous box!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:19
And I can relate to the 5110 and 3970 - you sold those??!! I would love to add a 3970 to my collection one day but it is a bit on thick side. Great width though I don't own a single tux but I only own dress watches as they are what Padj would say 'so me'!... 

In the end what REALLY matters is that YOU....

 By: enjoythemusic : February 20th, 2018-12:21
...enjoy your time

So true!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:27
We all have different likes. Some of us can't get enough of Rolexes, Nautiluses and Royal Oaks. For me, an elegant dress watch brings a smile to my face. And yes, I pay good money to have that smile on my face!!!

PS: For some reference / comparo of Calatrava with same style...

 By: enjoythemusic : February 20th, 2018-12:33
Patek released a special edition of 35 Harrods watches Ref 3293 (plus #00 which my friend got, then sold as Patek shipped it out by accident, was for the museum), hand would movement and they were around Β£7500. Dial is silvered, RG droplets for minute, la...  

I actually owned

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:37
one of the Harrods watches brand new and wish I had still kept it. I think I paid about Β£6,250 for it. The 3939 is of course sublime as is the 5029 below ...  


 By: enjoythemusic : February 20th, 2018-12:49
Also had a Harrods, am sure you're price is right as we all had to buy direct from Harrods. Then again i had to add shipping to USA and import duty. It is indeed a small world! Enjoy your time.

As I had mentioned earlier

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:52
it is nice to meet someone with the same mindset who has similar tastes in watches. Breguet hands and numerals melt me practically especially on Pateks. You take care and thank you for the conversation. It is almost 5am in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and I sha... 


 By: uaewatchguy : February 20th, 2018-12:13
Stunning numerals always do for me . Welcome to the dark side πŸ˜„ Iqbal

Good God!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-12:15
Is this the dark side??!! If that is so, I think I am going to do a sit in and not move

Huuuuuge Congrats my friend πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜± you are busy man since you are retired 😁

 By: Watchonthewrists : February 20th, 2018-14:05
This watch is just perfect for you imho πŸ‘ŒπŸ». Such a elegant piece , those numbers and the dail are beautiful , those lugs are to die for 😘. Please wear it in best of health πŸ™πŸ»πŸ€—. And show it to me next time we meet πŸ˜‰

Your eyes see what my eyes see!! :-)

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-21:10
Thank you so much for saying so. May cannot come soon enough!

Thank you Nico!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-21:13
I keep telling myself it is a great buy to console myself Actually these smaller Pateks are tremendous value compared to some in the current collection. I am not too perturbed if they do not return to fashion one day because I love them just the way they ... 

If the legendary Amanico subscribes to them

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-05:18
I must be doing something right!!

Just a little bit more mad than the rest of us πŸ˜‰

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : February 22nd, 2018-01:02
But the common ground is that we are all insane here. Just ask the normal people, they will confirm.

I must start mixing with normal people again! :-)

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-01:07
I must return to the real world as I have been trapped around purists and only purists!!

Too late

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : February 22nd, 2018-01:33
You are screwed now

No wonder!

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-01:43
I am just not used to being on the receiving end!! Revenge of all my ex wives!!!

🀣🀣🀣 [nt]

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : February 22nd, 2018-01:44

Is that a baby crying Arie?! :-)

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-02:02
Sorry, I have just learned the meaning of ROFL from Alkiro today and am now needing an emoji lesson!!

Yes it was πŸ˜‡ [nt]

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : February 22nd, 2018-02:09

As I have had four ex wives,

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-03:08
I think you missed out on one baby crying!

Congrats Sham on your latest Patek, and also for creating (along with Alkiro) the most enjoyable thread ever!! :-)

 By: FabR : February 20th, 2018-15:27
The passion that transpires from your posts is proof that you made the right choice by buying 627 new watches during the past 7 weeks, and I wish you many more during the next 7! Cheers

Thank you for following our banter!

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-21:17
Alkiro and I bounce off each other like a basketball and I am privileged to have had lunch with him at the SIHH last month. He likes to have the final word and so do I

Thank you very much for your encouragement

 By: sham1 : February 20th, 2018-21:19
but I am almost certain that the next 7 weeks will see me pretty quiet on the watch acquisition front. If I buy anything, it will be solely Alkiro's fault or a Swatch!

WI'll see..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰

 By: FabR : February 21st, 2018-05:35
Best wishes

Someone call the men in white coats...

 By: patrick_y : February 21st, 2018-02:51
I've seen worse addictions. At least you're buying nice stuff!

Ah Patrick! So nice of you to say so, thank you.

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-02:58
Beauty I know is in the eyes of the beholder but it is always reassuring when someone else shares similar sentiments.

If you're looking for an intervention, I think you've come to the wrong place!

 By: JToddH : February 21st, 2018-04:42
We all share in your affliction and will only serve to further encourage this behavior!

Unfortunately, I am a lost case

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-04:51
as this is the only place I know, this is home! An addict with little hope!

Brequet numerals with Brequet hands ! It is a ...

 By: GLau : February 21st, 2018-23:16
no brainer, especially given its small size ! Enjoy it often Sham !

Many thanks Gordon!

 By: sham1 : February 21st, 2018-23:23
The small size was made for wrists like mine I guess. I sure hope when I do try it on and see it in May that it lives up to expectations.

Life is too short to curtail fine taste.

 By: KCLQMULKU : February 22nd, 2018-12:10
I say enjoy it to the fullest! πŸ‘

Thank you for the encouragement

 By: sham1 : February 22nd, 2018-12:14
but the problem is I have been enjoying life to the fullest too much and for too long. And if I do not curtail the so called fine taste, I will have to start auctioning members of my family!!

We need to meet up soon Sham!

 By: KamalRostov : February 23rd, 2018-03:47
Your addition is getting bad...

Understatement of the year Kamal!!

 By: sham1 : February 23rd, 2018-03:55
Well, four more days and we will be meeting up. Not to worry, I shall behave until then

You'd better dear friend!

 By: KamalRostov : February 24th, 2018-03:16
Then again, there isn't much to muse over in KL


 By: sham1 : February 24th, 2018-09:56
Many years ago I would never dream of buying a watch anywhere but here. Now I am afraid it is quite the opposite due to the various factors that we can discuss about when we meet. Have a pleasant Sunday and take care!

I'm sure it will be an interesting topic.

 By: KamalRostov : February 24th, 2018-18:57
I look forward to your thoughts

It will be interesting

 By: sham1 : February 24th, 2018-20:07
but regrettably frustrating too!

I'd be interesting to know how this PP "allocation" translates in our local Malaysian market!!!

 By: KamalRostov : February 24th, 2018-21:50
I'm hopeful that it would be good for customers like me, but I'm still skeptic to it really working...

Whether it works or not will depend entirely

 By: sham1 : February 24th, 2018-22:25
on the integrity of the local ADs and Patek HQ being able to closely monitor this. I have my serious doubts on both fronts in terms of practicality and feasibility.

Couldn't agree with you more...

 By: KamalRostov : February 24th, 2018-23:06
A sliver of hope perhaps for someone like me... alas, I wouldn't hold my breath

I need to introduce you to my UK AD somehow

 By: sham1 : February 25th, 2018-02:22
They would simply love you Kamal!

Coming from you Imran,

 By: sham1 : February 25th, 2018-10:10
that is quite a compliment as I doubt if anyone else on this forum knows more about Patek than you do! When I collect this watch in May, we must meet up as I would like to show it to you!

Looking forward to it!!!

 By: sham1 : February 25th, 2018-10:12
Will get in touch

Very happy for this choice!

 By: TheWindingStem : February 25th, 2018-14:13
This is such a beautiful masterpiece - especially those delicious lugs and raised Breguet numerals!

Thanks Moe!

 By: sham1 : February 25th, 2018-20:15
It is pieces like this that is stopping me from buying a Saxonia ultra thin! The Patek is also an ultra slim and I find it more alluring than the Lange due to the lugs as you rightly mentioned, those seductive numerals and even the detail in the hands (no... 

A change of mind!

 By: sham1 : March 20th, 2018-03:03
The main problem with waiting for a watch is that there is a possibility that something else may appear. I did not think that in the space of 10 weeks I would see something more appealing than this 3820R but I have and have had to cancel my order for the ...  


 By: vicunaman1 : March 25th, 2018-09:47
Enjoy your young collection.....

Thank you!!

 By: sham1 : March 25th, 2018-09:57
I will do my best