As long as it’s not 50 ;)

Jul 18, 2018,00:27 AM

Great watch and I really respect Zenith for having released it, especially as the size is anything but popular. But the proportions are spot on and it is a great dressy chronograph.

Thanks for the cool picture!

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Purple Shade of Grey

 By: Gelato Monster : July 17th, 2018-17:56
Perfect balance dial, no date and everchanging shades of gray ...  

Thank you Nico [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : July 18th, 2018-01:06

As long as it’s not 50 ;)

 By: KMII : July 18th, 2018-00:27
Great watch and I really respect Zenith for having released it, especially as the size is anything but popular. But the proportions are spot on and it is a great dressy chronograph. Thanks for the cool picture!


 By: Gelato Monster : July 18th, 2018-01:08
Thank you KMII. Yes it is very comfortable size.

Awesome piece!!

 By: Watcholic_id : July 18th, 2018-06:53
perfect size IMHO 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

Thank you Watcholic_id [nt]

 By: Gelato Monster : July 18th, 2018-17:20