A long way to go, to walk in the snow

Nov 11, 2020,11:31 AM

Being briefly awake in the middle of the night, I checked my phone to see the morning's weather. Snow flurries? 

Then I realized this was the mountain to the East of us, about 50 miles.

San Diego is going to be offering its usual Mediterranean charm, with the same temperatures day after day, same boring sunshine. smile

When I got up at a decent hour, I offered my wife the chance to come with me, and frolic in the snow. She pointed to the door, said "Have fun" and rolled back under the covers. So I hit the road.
The sun was bright and I saw no clouds from the coast. Where did these snow flurries come from, I wondered.
My Seiko Chronometer said nothing, except tic tic tic

Not a cloud in the sky as I headed East. So much for the weatherman's forecast / report!

Near Alpine there was still no snow, no clouds, and it was the same temperature as at my house.

I turned left off the freeway onto "Sunrise Highway" and there it was. Temperature dropped quickly to 26 degrees F. Plenty of snow on the ground, but probably from the past weekend's storms. Not from this morning.

It was a beautiful morning and there were a few tree-huggers out, off-loading their gear and youngsters from their Subaru Outbacks. 

I continued on to my favorite desert outlook, which also had snow. Time for a photo:

Looking East with a view of the Anza Borrego Desert

Looking Northwards towards Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, etc.

I turned off onto a stretch of old highway which is no longer open to cars. But this is the road that our boy scout troop traveled when we went camping, back in the Fifties and Sixties. I had never walked it.

There's plenty to see as nature reclaims its space

New road is out there in the distance, to the South

I've never seen such bright color at this time of year

It is Fall in much of the Northern Hemisphere, but in the coastal region the plants don't take winter seriously

This is apparently the contractor who paved this stretch of concrete almost 90 years ago.

It was a nice walk, and I getting pretty warm walking uphill in the sun with my fleece on. I went back to the car and headed West.

After getting gas, a carwash, a roast chicken at Costco, etc. etc. I arrived home 5 hours and 150 miles after leaving. 

It's now 11:11 on 11 / 11 / 2020. Five hours gone, I'm worn out and it's not even lunchtime.

Wearing my Seikos and wearing myself out, signed


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Wonderful post [nt]

 By: toxly347 : November 11th, 2020-13:32

That’s a good journey ...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : November 11th, 2020-14:37
Thanks for taking us with you. Keep well Mike

Way to start the day.....

 By: halkcb : November 11th, 2020-17:03
....and with a nice urushi to boot! Did you use the chrono function? Encouraging me to strap mine on. Best

Sorry but I did not [nt]

 By: cazalea : November 11th, 2020-19:49

We had some for lunch

 By: cazalea : November 11th, 2020-19:49
It was very tasty. And the cat loves the scraps.

That seiko is just gorgeous

 By: nasseriq : November 11th, 2020-23:51

Thanks for giving this Dutch guy

 By: George Gently : November 12th, 2020-01:50
some California Fall vibes... Priceless.

Glad I could help you!

 By: cazalea : November 12th, 2020-05:49
Stay tuned for more Cazalea