Welcome Peter! And thank you for taking the plunge and posting! Your collection of Patek's is very impressive! I hope you have an heir that will reap the benefits. You know the Patek slogan..."You never actually own..." [nt]

Jul 30, 2017,17:58 PM

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My Patek collection

 By: Peter.JH : July 30th, 2017-08:52
Hi, everyone there, I am Peter. I am an enthusiast for collecting Patek watches since many years. I have read a lot, but never really share anything. Now, I think it's time not only to take, but also to "give"! Here is my collections. Hope you enjoy my ev...  

Your pictures are not showing up

 By: Hororgasm : July 30th, 2017-09:01
Can you double check Best, Horo

Wonderful collection

 By: Hororgasm : July 30th, 2017-13:02
Are you only Patek guy? Any other makes? Best, Horo

Welcome here!

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : July 30th, 2017-09:14
Thanks for sharing...looking forward many more posts form you Cheers D


 By: TheMadDruid : July 30th, 2017-09:31
You have a fantastic collection of Pateks. I hope you post many more pictures of them. Ignore Raymond.


 By: TheMadDruid : July 30th, 2017-11:44
You're very clever!


 By: Peter.JH : July 30th, 2017-11:53
Hi, Raymond, they have " " there. Sorry mate, I am so terrible and difficult to part my stuff. Therefore I use " " to express, I am only sharing the pictures, this is my meaning for "giving".

A warm welcome to you ! Do share your passion often with us here !

 By: GLau : July 30th, 2017-09:33
You have a great collection with diversity. Which one(s) sing to you most and what future plans do you have for your collection ? Cheers, Gordon

I normally don't prefer date window

 By: mahesh : July 30th, 2017-09:34
But it fits well on your 5146G - I like it very much ! Thanks for sharing your collection!! Best, mahesh.,

Welcome Peter!

 By: sham1 : July 30th, 2017-10:06
And thank you very much for the lovely photos. It is a refreshing change to see a purist collecting many of his watches in the traditional yellow gold instead of the white, rose or platinum! I am particularly fond of your 5940J as I have a 5940G (silver d... 

Warm welcome here Peter. I hope to see more posts of you soon.

 By: Alkiro1 : July 30th, 2017-10:06
Impressive PP collection. Among all your PC, I have to confess that I have a soft spot for your 5940. A true beauty. Best wishes Alkiro

Great watches

 By: Folaly : July 30th, 2017-10:18
Yellow gold make it so elegant, and they fit perfectly on your wrist. Thank you for sharing

Wow! You seem to love perpetual calendars and 240Q movement.

 By: dr.kol : July 30th, 2017-10:38
You have a fantastic Patek collection. What next? And warmly welcome to PP Forum. Best, Kari


 By: Arie - Mr Orange : July 30th, 2017-10:54
Hope you will like it here.

thanks everyone

 By: Peter.JH : July 30th, 2017-11:24
Hi Everyone thanks for the warm words. Appreciate it a lot. @ GLau, well, what would be my choice in my portfolio? I don’t know and I can’t decide. This maybe the reason why I got so many watches. @ sham1, i am sure you will love your 5940G. It’s a fantas... 

Welcome Peter!

 By: blomman Mr Blue : July 30th, 2017-12:08
Great collection! You will feel right at home here! Best Blomman

here we go my sports!

 By: Peter.JH : July 30th, 2017-12:19
The two Patek inclusive. from left to right, PP5726, VC 49150, PP5176, AP15400, RLX116520, and the RLX116500 WD (I will pick up in two weeks time) ...  

Very nice sport collection

 By: keks : July 30th, 2017-22:26
All steel, and 3 white dial and 3 black dial... 2 PP, 2 RX, 1 AP, 1 VC.... a very sensible allocation between these superbrands! Your collection clearly is thoroughly planned! Thanks for sharing

Warm welcome to PuristSPro, Peter.

 By: Pretty Boy : July 30th, 2017-12:20
Looking forward to many more posts from you. Best, Volker

A very comprehensive collection mostly complicated models.

 By: geross : July 30th, 2017-13:14
You should definitely post your toys. Your passion for the brand is undeniable. Welcome and cheers to you. Geross.

Warm welcome to the PP forum.

 By: KamalRostov : July 30th, 2017-19:46
You have a beautiful collection! Wear them in the best of health.


 By: Vwong : July 30th, 2017-20:21
Beautiful watches I love the 3940 and the travel time! Rarely see those.

Guess you started your PP collection some 15 years ago

 By: Hamster07 : July 31st, 2017-09:31
Haha, just curious to know. Back then, those with the 240Q movement, 3940, 5038, 5039, and 5040, were much appreciated, until they were considered "too small". I love them all I must admit. You do have a wonderful and functional collection of PP. Wear the... 

Fantastic collection!

 By: Mark in Paris : August 1st, 2017-14:57
A very nice gathering of unusual and very unique pieces. I particularly love your QP trio picture, the way yellow gold looks on the 3940J is gorgeous. I remember having had the same feeling with the 3970J I tried not long ago. I find that not all watches ... 

I never owned a watch in colored gold

 By: beejo : August 1st, 2017-15:29
But your collection made me rethink 3940J and 5940J are super.I am even starting to like like the 5940 case. Best, Ahmed


 By: TimeOnHand : August 2nd, 2017-06:45
Beautiful collection of watches...

I love that Travel Time

 By: clomita : August 2nd, 2017-07:10
Raised Breguet numerals are always welcome, and to have them with a complication as useful as this is really great. Just a perfect dress watch.