Patek Philippe Ref. 2547
Jul 09, 2013,13:20 PM
If anybody has any knowledge related to this watch please let me know. I can't find it mentioned anywhere.
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By: richterlaw : July 10th, 2013-10:09
this is the only mention of this watch I've found. com/node/334 1946 : Manufacture of the 10'''-200 round caliber, of which 20'197 pieces were made and in use up to 1965. The movement is housed in round, square and rectangular cases, in yellow pink, whit...
By: Roni M : July 10th, 2013-15:33
But none of the regular/ traditional 4/ 5 Patek reference books have any mention....I have every Auction catalogue for over 20 years and it has never come spend hours on this!!And have never ever come across it oddly i have 2546,2549,2549, 2550,2552...wo...
Update on the 2547
By: Roni M : July 13th, 2013-07:15
For those who may be interested to know it turned our that this timepiece is a very rare one that is not catalogued in any of the published reference books on the brand as per one of the leading authorities on Vintage Pateks (not sure if his name can be m...
By: Roni M : July 14th, 2013-12:29
Hi Julian Like the others who were interested I contacted John Reardon who in turn contacted the owner was keen for an immediate sale so despite him being kind enough to offer it i opted out as without all the facts it was a bit of a poke in the dark int...
Patek 2547
By: rickles415 : July 13th, 2013-20:13
Is this one of the rarest? It might be priceless. How much would something like this go for at auction. It may be rare but what's it worth. Plain (very nice granted) but uncomplicated with refinished face...? Cool story though.