This is the watch

Mar 17, 2024,20:55 PM

that start my interest in Glashütte Original in 2006. Now almost 20 years later, I still really like it. Contrary to many, I like the white background in the Panoramadate better as it becomes much clearer and really shows its size. As this is a powerful piece, I chose it on the Trieste strap so as not to break off my 7.5" pencil wrists.

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You are the GO Cheerleader here!

 By: Chicolini : March 17th, 2024-22:24
I love the brand also. Wonderful timepieces and don’t get the acclaim I feel they should.

Yes, this is a beauty!

 By: RabidManatee : March 18th, 2024-05:08