It's not bad, but... [nt]

May 07, 2019,13:34 PM

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Espace Bleu Order

 By: Teacher Yang : May 6th, 2019-15:58
Photo credit to Jay, Cmmnsens and DruidPadj Well, it happened last year.. There is one Espace in my country.. so i put down my name on the bleu list.. then few months later.. i asked how is it.. salesperson said they dont take Bleu order anymore.. It does...  

What is an FPJ "Espace"? [nt]

 By: CR : May 6th, 2019-19:22
I'm having difficulty figuring that out. I can see from an FPJ writing that it's different from a boutique, but I'm not sure what it is, and how it differs from a non-boutique AD.

it's like a hybrid between a boutique and AD. They have a space setup similar to a boutique with seats and viewing table within the retailer.

 By: cmmnsens : May 6th, 2019-20:36
They also have access to special edition pieces that regular AD's don't have access to.

Thanks. Is it correct that they don't actually stock any pieces -- that pieces are available only to order?

 By: CR : May 6th, 2019-21:08
I assume that's what would make them different from an AD or a boutique. If the answer is, "No, that's not correct," then I remain confused!

So are they like an "AD-plus" -- basically an AD with additional access to special pieces?

 By: CR : May 7th, 2019-19:32
I'm thinking about what my local FPJ AD looks like (which has a display case only) and wondering, "So if this was an 'espace' location rather than my local AD, what would be different? Just the addition of a viewing table and access to special pieces?" Th... 

Yes.. i think maybe photos

 By: Teacher Yang : May 8th, 2019-05:45
Can be search online..

Thanks again for this. I'll ask someone at FPJ for more info, as there doesn't seem to be a better description...

 By: CR : May 8th, 2019-06:21
... on the FPJ website or elsewhere online (unless I'm missing something obvious, which is always quite possible). I had already looked for more information about the "Espace" concept on the FPJ website and elsewhere online before I asked about it here. S... 

Some jewelers dedicate a space within their stores to a specific brand-and do not display another brand's wares next to this.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 9th, 2019-12:33
When Cellini Jewelers, in NYC, had a shop on Madison Avenue the owner took a display case and separated it from all the other display cases. He placed only Cartier watches in this display case. Cartier called this a Boutique within Cellini. As did Cellini... 

Table.. sofa..

 By: Teacher Yang : May 8th, 2019-05:44
A number of display case.. quite nice.. occupy a decent space..

Hi CR, Cmmnsens answered some questions

 By: Teacher Yang : May 8th, 2019-05:41
My experience is mostly prototype with a few real pieces displayed

Thanks Janef ! It belong to the 3 good photographers

 By: Teacher Yang : May 8th, 2019-05:46
Anyway, are you coming back to Sg for election? Lol

I don't know anything about ESPACE

 By: TheMadDruid : May 7th, 2019-08:21
but I do know that Journe is cutting back on the number of CBs it will be making for the next several years-from approximately 175 to 100. Journe himself said that there would be no more people added to waiting lists for the watch starting in 2019. By the... 

That is correct.

 By: Skyrider01 : May 7th, 2019-10:16
Current waitlist for the CB is at 6 years and they are cutting production by almost half. 100 pieces this year compared to 190 in 2018. The reduction in the CB is in order to be able to ramp up production of the new Tourbillon Souverain and Resonance. Acc... 

Thanks Skyrider01 for the info. 6 years..

 By: Teacher Yang : May 8th, 2019-05:49
If i really want one.. i wont wait for 6 years. I think i might stand a chance within 6 months or 6 weeks.

A master shot!

 By: ChristianDK : May 7th, 2019-10:20
And such a handsome wrist...

Thank you.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 7th, 2019-13:33
I can only agree.

It's not bad, but... [nt]

 By: TheMadDruid : May 7th, 2019-13:34

Haha. Do not fight. He is the mod here

 By: Teacher Yang : May 8th, 2019-04:57
Congrats on your fp journe mod post ChristianDK

Thank you, Teacher:-) [nt]

 By: ChristianDK : May 8th, 2019-07:58


 By: TheMadDruid : May 8th, 2019-10:01
That's all I was suggesting. ))