Same problem for me, Stefan...I only buy watches I can wear.

Feb 02, 2010,11:22 AM

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The return of a Myth: The Panerai Mare Nostrum.

 By: amanico : February 2nd, 2010-03:22
Announced a few years ago, eagerly awaited every year, it finally landed. Why is it a Myth? The Mare Nostrum, I mean the original one, was a Prototype conceived for the Italian Deck Officers in 1943, but as the Story says, it was never produced. So, this ...  

COOL watch...

 By: FanFrancisco : February 2nd, 2010-07:53
thanks for sharing, Nico. this watch has a very modern and stylish look. if the size can trim down a bit, maybe small wrist like me can consider it in my shopping list. LOL.... stefan

Just a bit Stefan? LOL

 By: ArthurSG : February 3rd, 2010-03:07
I think this watch need close to a 20% reduction in size for you and I to be comfortable with it LOL.