Not boring whatsoever

Apr 18, 2018,00:43 AM

Super cool

Light weight I suppose as well

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I apologize for being boring

 By: MichaelC : April 17th, 2018-18:34
I just can't help myself. ...  

I couldn't either....

 By: InHavenPro : April 17th, 2018-18:39
. Looks fantastic. Cheers, Filip

Thanks, Filip. [nt]

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:25

You have been...

 By: renerod : April 17th, 2018-19:12
Freaked out!!! Enjoy! René

Yes, I am! [nt]

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:25

It’s simply a fantastic watch :)

 By: KMII : April 17th, 2018-20:41
Not a single boring thing about it

Thanks KMII. I have already placed it as equal with my 15202

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:28
That watch has always been my "one". And while it is certainly more versatile than this Freak, this watch excites me more than any other I have ever tried. Ever. It is that spectacular. I'll never part with it.

MC you must keep on being boring please

 By: Mohannad (aka Riddler) : April 17th, 2018-20:53
Lol JK it’s against the natural physics to be boring specially with such a beauty Enjoy it my friend

OK, I'll get you all to sleep in due time!

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:29
More Freak coming soon...

I was considering the Freak Lab (in titanium carbon)..

 By: Syl2 : April 17th, 2018-22:17
Apart from the extra date function and a 99pcs Ltd Edition, do you know if there are any other differences in the movement construction? Any other differences which would make one more desirable ? Thank for your insight.

Well, IMO, the Freak is best executed in its simplest, original form.

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:33
That means no date and no extra tourbillon seconds. That said, I like that Boutique Lab. I got to see the Artemis version last year, but prefer the white on black of the Boutique version. It was cool, but I love the anchor shape bridge used on the Cruiser...  

Not boring at all sir [nt]

 By: traineract : April 17th, 2018-23:17

I am never one to deny a request ;-)

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:42

Ha! Top top top... [nt]

 By: amanico : April 19th, 2018-09:43

Superb shot MC

 By: Mohannad (aka Riddler) : April 20th, 2018-01:59
I love combo Ng back to check it out daily

Thanks Mo. I am looking into some tasty strap options

 By: MichaelC : April 20th, 2018-08:57
Black sail cloth with all white stitching. That is an easy call. But... what I am hoping for... an all white sail cloth with black stitching! That will be extra Freaky and a great summer pairing.

Not boring whatsoever

 By: keks : April 18th, 2018-00:43
Super cool Light weight I suppose as well

Me neither. My only regret is not doing this years ago.

 By: MichaelC : April 19th, 2018-09:45
But it was worth the wait, and for this designer, the black is the model for me. Surely previous ones would have made me just as happy, but I am glad this is the version I ended with. Now to add an older blue one, like the Phantom...

What boredom?? (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : April 19th, 2018-13:31

Sure, it's a Freak. (nt)

 By: Ronald Held : April 20th, 2018-13:27

I don’t mind being bored to death :-)

 By: Echi : April 19th, 2018-22:03
What a watch!

Certainly there are many worse ways to go!!

 By: MichaelC : April 20th, 2018-08:56
Thanks, Echi.

This watch

 By: benlee338 : April 20th, 2018-21:23
is anything but boring.

Nice photo MichaelC!

 By: Teacher Yang : April 27th, 2018-16:23
Been away too long, never seen this black model before! Thanks for sharing MichaelC! Yang