Thanks for sharing.

Nov 28, 2021,22:29 PM

I think it's mildly amusing, in an adolescent kinda way. And I am absolutely not beyond that, to my discredit. What I don't like, though, at all, is what they did to the caseback. That's where the true act of violence shows, in my humble opinion.

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#Hypebeast : The “Supreme” Submariner

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 28th, 2021-19:13
For those not familiar with the term a “hypebeast” refers to someone devoted to acquiring those on-trend or popular items. Mostly sneakers and clothing, mostly in the streetwear category. There’s a very popular website of the same name which has been arou...  

Kind of amusing I suppose 🤔

 By: oyster case : November 28th, 2021-19:38
Can’t really agree that dings and scratches define one’s love for a piece though.

This is a eternal debate.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 28th, 2021-20:02
Is an unworn watch a wasted watch? Not a debate for this post though, only comment was that this owner wore their watch and for some here that’s an important distinction.

Hmm, a "Red F" Sub, yes...

 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : November 28th, 2021-19:50
Enjoy, I imagine it brings a smile whenever one glances down.

A snigger for sure.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 28th, 2021-20:05
But I assume the people for whom these were made have had a great ride on that business and so it surely also recalls great career memories or memories of friends.

Me no like

 By: Mostel : November 28th, 2021-22:28
Your writing is articulate and your post very interesting...! But I don't like this kind of thing.

Thanks for sharing.

 By: Gwai : November 28th, 2021-22:29
I think it's mildly amusing, in an adolescent kinda way. And I am absolutely not beyond that, to my discredit. What I don't like, though, at all, is what they did to the caseback. That's where the true act of violence shows, in my humble opinion. Cheers M... 

I know, it could have been a little more….not sure of the word I’m looking for.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 28th, 2021-23:29
In the end, the box logo was the obvious choice. But there may have been a better way to execute it.

There were 20 made, in 2013. They were all gifts as far I recall.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 28th, 2021-23:26
The original plan was to sell them like any other Supreme branded product, but for some reason they decided against that. If they had done that then my guess is the price would have been slightly inflated from Rolex retail but not much given the limited m... 


 By: myles721 : November 28th, 2021-23:28
Definitely a blurred line. Rolex is not my brand but I respect the hell out of it. The INTENTION that goes into making these timepieces is not IMO to be taken for granted. ICONS are icons for a reason. I respect that intention too much to modify (read moc... 

When someone puts heart and soul (intention) into something

 By: myles721 : November 28th, 2021-23:57
it should be respected as such.

funky and cool

 By: Gelato Monster : November 29th, 2021-00:19

Supreme doing what they do!

 By: doubleup : November 30th, 2021-01:19
Take a perfectly made object and slap supreme on it and jack up price by 10 fold plus. I am legitimately amazed and take my hat off to them. Who would have thought it would succeed like it did. I did some research on this “piece” and can’t believe what th... 

Supreme don’t really jack up the price like that though.

 By: Jay (Eire) : November 30th, 2021-02:37
The resale market is another animal completely, as is evidenced on this particular watch. And depending on the item it’s as you say, 5x, 10x on resale. Note, as you probably read these Subs were never sold. All gifted apparently.

Very true. Good point.

 By: doubleup : November 30th, 2021-16:33

Atleast it’s a no date version

 By: Darron : November 30th, 2021-06:21
🤦‍♂️….don’t own any supreme products… as my wife would say (I imagine) “you can’t pull that off”…. LOL