Do any of you remember or had the chance to see RM's first website?

Feb 22, 2021,14:46 PM

I remember it to this day and miss it soooo much. It had the sounds of v12 F1 cars in the back ground and was just cool !!! I loved that format, anyone else feel the same? It also resonates to your comment.

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Richard Mille Announces Partnership with F1 Team Scuderia Ferrari

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 22nd, 2021-10:35
And now this: i ...  

LOL! The future belongs to them

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 22nd, 2021-10:48

I thought you are Mercedes 😎

 By: Gelato Monster : February 24th, 2021-03:36

You’re on the wrong website

 By: @Patek_Ambassador : March 12th, 2021-07:58

Wow...clash of the titans..

 By: myles721 : February 22nd, 2021-10:48
Who’s next?...can’t be Rolex.

...who just split with AM, who already moved on to partner with GP...

 By: FabR : February 22nd, 2021-10:55
Sounds more like the plot of a soap opera, where the characters live in LA but they keep dating the same 12 people over and over....Honestly, not my favorite aspect of horology! ;-))

Do you have a picture???

 By: amanico : February 22nd, 2021-22:26

Let me guess what this partnership will create...

 By: robsallnow : February 22nd, 2021-11:38
A series of red plastic tonneau case watches on red plastic straps that you have to stare at for 10 minuts to see what the time or date is....that will cost more than double the price of an SF90 Spider


 By: Spangles - Dr. Tabby : February 22nd, 2021-11:44

Or vice versa.

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 22nd, 2021-11:57


 By: Gelato Monster : February 24th, 2021-03:37

Nearly 20 years ago RM was really a racing machine on the wrist for few

 By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : February 22nd, 2021-11:59
Today production is still amazing, but it's too loud and boastful. Money over mechanics, which is the least of features for average (wealthy) buyer ...  

And, those were the best Ferrari F1 days...

 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 22nd, 2021-12:06

very true

 By: Gelato Monster : February 24th, 2021-03:38
The car is also more gorgeous compare today Havaiana-Aero F1

Do any of you remember or had the chance to see RM's first website?

 By: doubleup : February 22nd, 2021-14:46
I remember it to this day and miss it soooo much. It had the sounds of v12 F1 cars in the back ground and was just cool !!! I loved that format, anyone else feel the same? It also resonates to your comment.

I wonder....

 By: stere : February 23rd, 2021-02:10
...did Hublot cancel the partnership? stere


 By: India Whiskey Charlie : February 23rd, 2021-09:37