thank you Sir

Sep 28, 2022,12:41 PM

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More pictures of my Vianney Halter Deep Space

 By: : September 27th, 2022-19:27
I gave these pictures some more effort and hopefully you will all enjoy them. Moderators I cannot seem to get the size of the pictures correct, can you help?… Jim ...  

Love Tourbillon Tuesday ❤️

 By: enjoythemusic : September 27th, 2022-19:41

Tourbillion Tuesday, I love it too…Jim

 By: : September 28th, 2022-00:05

What a machine!

 By: mrds : September 27th, 2022-19:48
Love it… Enjoy this beast, Jim!

Hi mrds, can’t take my eyes off ut…

 By: : September 28th, 2022-00:07
And I can’t stop using my loop system to take a “Deep: look inside, simply marvelous…Jim

What a special piece!

 By: patrick_y : September 27th, 2022-19:51

Ahh. I didn't know they were purple.

 By: patrick_y : September 28th, 2022-00:45
I was thinking it was just that particular shade of light for that particular day.

What is wrong with your pictures size? They’re all perfect imo…

 By: Mike H : September 27th, 2022-20:10
What a Time Machine !!! 🙈🤪🤪🤪 Enjoy yours and wear it in the best of health ! I wish this one is mine but actually not, just a photo taken at Vianney’s atelier at the occasion of a visit some time ago… ...  

Hi Mike, thanks for the question the

 By: : September 28th, 2022-00:09
Pictures see too big for for the screen,yours looks perfect. Next time I will do what it looks like you do and take the pictures without it running…Jim

It is really unbeatable when you look deep inside…

 By: : September 28th, 2022-00:10
VH loves every aspect of space and it shows…Jim

Yes, in a brilliant way.

 By: amanico : September 28th, 2022-06:52

Beautiful pictures, just a question...

 By: SALMANPK : September 27th, 2022-21:05
Is the time 2:23? S ...  

Yes 2:23…Jim

 By: : September 28th, 2022-00:12

thank you Sir

 By: SALMANPK : September 28th, 2022-12:41

Thank nafetS, what VH has coming next continues the

 By: : September 28th, 2022-00:15
End game for me but the “Deep Space” is the original end game, Vianney is still very much into getting better and more creative…Jim

Absolutely stunning, a true masterpiece from a incredible master watchmaker

 By: Watchonthewrists : September 28th, 2022-06:20
Great pic btw . Thanks for sharing

My pleasure watchonthewrist…

 By: : September 28th, 2022-14:47
Vianney is incredible and sooo original…Jim

Re: pic size (and what a watch! no wonder you want these to reflect the time you took)...

 By: halgedahl : September 28th, 2022-15:51
I'm sure there must be more technically correct ways to post what you want here, but here's what I have done—to great success. 1. load the photo you want onto your desktop 2. open it 3. take a "screen shot" of said photo (this has the added benefit of all... 

FH thanks so much for the detailed post…

 By: : September 28th, 2022-22:53
Yes, it is quite a watch, I just love it and the man who made it also. I will try your method and let you know how it works out, thanks again…Jim

so rare

 By: wootwoot : September 30th, 2022-18:46
so this appears to have been built in 2022 yet its serial number indicates it is only the 25th production DST. they are just fabulously rare. congratulations

Hi Woot, not sure when it was built. This one was

 By: : September 30th, 2022-23:38
Purchase before me but never picked up and was left at Vianny’s shop. Thanks for the congratulations on your post enjoy your weekend… Jim