Superb detailed and comprehensive report, many thanks Henrik

Feb 25, 2018,02:31 AM

You must have spent a huge time on both the writing and the wonderful collages ! I am very thankful as It has enabled me to discover so many details about this brand. Thanks again my dear friend,


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A visit to Blancpain in the Vallée de Joux

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-00:18
“ Blancpain perpetuates its historical links with Switzerland's oldest watchmaking tradition by making its timepieces at Le Brassus and Le Sentier, respectively a village and a hamlet in the Joux Valley. This region of the Waldensian Jura is imbued with t...  


 By: Ambiorix : February 25th, 2018-00:36
for sharing these beautifull fotos,always a pleasure to see how these pieces are made! Grtz,Dom

My utmost pleasure, Dom 😉 [nt]

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:48

A deepfelt thank you

 By: MTF : February 25th, 2018-00:41
henrik, Thanks for the experience with you and the detailed report. The newer models from Blancpain are most interesting. I've been through Le Sentier and Le Brassus a few times before BUT never to Blancpain! The other brands, both big and tiny independen... 

Thank you very much for your comments, dear MTF...

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:50
... maybe it’s worth visiting Blancpain during your next journey to the Vallée de Joux. Cheers Henrik

Thanks Henrik!

 By: agyzace : February 25th, 2018-01:04
Wonderful report on a brand that I love as second to none. All the very best, Alex

Merci beaucoup, dear Nicolas! [nt]

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:51

Thanks for the virtual tour.

 By: VMM : February 25th, 2018-01:23
I'm sure you had a great time. Best, Vte

Thank you very much dear Henrik for this superb report, pictures (the second collage with Lausanne and the Jura is splendid) and guided tour

 By: Alkiro1 : February 25th, 2018-01:40
Even if your report is full of beauties, I think the “Grande Décoration” is my favourite. What a watch!!! A pure beauty. Best wishes Alkiro

Thank you very much, my friend! [nt]

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:52

My pleasure dear Henrik

 By: Alkiro1 : February 25th, 2018-02:58
I’m pretty sure you’ve kept few beautiful pictures in your bag for the coming weeks 😉 Best wishes Alkiro

Just a few 😗 [nt]

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:59

He he 😉

 By: Alkiro1 : February 25th, 2018-03:04
Best wishes Alkiro

Superb detailed and comprehensive report, many thanks Henrik

 By: Mike H : February 25th, 2018-02:31
You must have spent a huge time on both the writing and the wonderful collages ! I am very thankful as It has enabled me to discover so many details about this brand. Thanks again my dear friend, Mike

Merci beaucoup, dear Mike! Yes, it took some time...

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:55
... but I would not like to miss out on sharing the exceptional experience I had. Glad you liked the report 😊 All the best, my friend! Henrik

Thank you very much! [nt]

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-02:55

A delightful read Henrik, thank you so much for the time and effort that went into this report. There are few Manufactures that combine so many different skills under one roof and

 By: templetowers : February 25th, 2018-03:25
Blancpain seem to do this in such an understated way - This is why my Blancpain watches are my absolute favorites ! Best wishes, Will.

You have not posted

 By: haart : February 25th, 2018-03:32
pictures from the production process in Le Sentier. That the watches, who made in the Atelier in Le Brassus are all made by Hand from one watchmaker from the beginning to the end is for everyone clear. But how works the production in Le Sentier for the lo... 


 By: haart : February 25th, 2018-03:40
there is nothing in your Report about the production in Le Sentier. Only in Le Brassus for the very expensive watches.... Ok you don`t see the assembling. But i think that was very interesting to see. So no one can say how the watch is made. It can be by ... 


 By: haart : February 25th, 2018-03:46
but no assembling....But that would be also interesting....How is the watch made. By hand or with machines in production roads,,,

As I wrote I had no opportunity to visit the assembly...

 By: shortys home : February 25th, 2018-03:50
... time was tight anyway. Maybe next time. But I highly doubt that given the annual production numbers there will be automized assembly roads like with some volume producers. Cheers Henrik

It is always interesting...

 By: haart : February 25th, 2018-04:07
that the assembly (not only at Blancpain) is not shown the visitors. You can see a lot, but assembly is usually not included....I ask me, why ? Is it a secret ? Have the companies hide something ? No one knows.... Why can customers, who pay a lot of money... 

As a generel statement, this is certainly not true (e.g. PuristS were shown watch assembly at Zenith, Hublot, Roger Dubuis, others...), but there might be several resaons for this...

 By: Ornatus-Mundi : February 26th, 2018-08:09
one of them is that not all companies assemble all their watches themselves, and partly rely on outside specialists (often to account for spikes in demand; the simpler pieces are assembled outside the brand to reserve capacities for the more demanding one... 

Ok, i understand that Blancpain not

 By: haart : February 27th, 2018-01:51
assemble all their watches themselves. Thats an interesting thing....Thats maybe the reason why Blancpain show this not their customers....They would be confused to see that their watches assembled outside....

Dear Magnus, I‘m afraid this is not correct...

 By: shortys home : February 27th, 2018-04:18
... when it comes to Blancpain today. Since your indication, Blancpain would utilize outside assembly, was contrary to what I learned during my recent visit, I took the liberty to raise this point with Blancpain for factual clarification. I can positively... 

Outstanding report Henry

 By: fifty fathoms : February 26th, 2018-04:00
Thank you for your excellent report Henry. By the way it is reasonable not to show the production to foreigners. To much product and ideas Pirates worldwide. ... Best regards Stephan

I think Product and Idea Pirates

 By: haart : February 26th, 2018-07:43
are not the main reason, to show customers not the production. Transparency is a no go in the watch business. That is known.... They show the customers only what they want to see.....The things who maybe are questionable or can be critisized are wiped und... 

Dear Mr. Haart

 By: fifty fathoms : February 26th, 2018-09:28
I think it is less dramatically. If there is for example an open day in a clinic, you will never see the surgeons do their work....

I think

 By: haart : February 26th, 2018-11:09
you can not compare a customer visit at a watch company with a surgeon at his work in a clinic...

Some additional visual impressions...

 By: shortys home : February 26th, 2018-23:55
... a bit of colorful sensuality added: ... at work 😉 ... at real work 👍 Minute repeaters: Hope you enjoyed! Cheers Henrik ...  

The same procedure....

 By: haart : February 27th, 2018-00:28
as every few days and in every watch forum. It gets boring with time....

Dear haart

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 27th, 2018-00:51
No one is forcing you to open and look at posts you don't like or comment on them. Honestly you repeatedly picking on shortys home posts bringing negativity and bad mouthing will not be tolerated. So to be honest with you...your behavior is boring an not ... 

Look at the posts...

 By: haart : February 27th, 2018-03:21
not only in this forum and you know....Sure, you can all sweep under the table. But thats my opinion...People who question things or write not that what other wants locked out of the forum and so on. Thats a easy thing but that shows, that something is go... 

You can clear your account any time on your own.

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 27th, 2018-03:34
But I will not tolerate accusations and trashing without any evidence. Questioning in civilized manner using proofs is one thing bashing and trashing is another. Also isn't clearing your account mean sweeping under table what you have written here in past... 

Since I still digest all the impressions and photos taken, here are some more...

 By: shortys home : March 12th, 2018-10:03
... hope you enjoy 😉 The Villeret Grande Decoration Piece Unique: Probably my favorite from all the marvels I‘ve seen, the Villeret 8 Jours Squelete: And finally a colorful interpretation of the Villeret Répétition Minutes: Cheers Henrik ...  

Very nice Henrik

 By: Gumball : March 15th, 2018-08:43
Thank you very much for this in depth visit and photos ! I am a BP lover and should have taken a cigar while reading <3 BP is definitely able to compete with the rest of the HH players ! For myself I would pick the Pièce Unique Erotica. Thanks.

Thank you very much for your comments...

 By: shortys home : March 15th, 2018-09:40
... and taking the time to review the report! The Piece Unique Minute Repeater is also my favorite, besides the 8 Jours Squelete 😍 Cheers Henrik