I prefer numerals ‘eaten’, I like the 1815 with the partial 6 beneath and prefer dials rendered like that rather than a blank space / missing numerals or batons whatever is used.
It would be an interesting poll question, though -- to see if people prefer the busier version with the measurement scales, or the cleaner version without them.
I heard that Lange had trouble selling the clean dial 1815 chrono because a lot of customers thought it looked just like the up/down, at twice the price. The busier version (which I also prefer) was more immediately differentiable.
At least it means the market is less crowded for people like me. Everyone else can have their pulsation scale models; I'll stick to the cleaner iteration
I figured Lange launched the cleaner version to differentiate it more from the Datograph. I liked the clean version a lot, but then they came out with the 1815 Chrono Boutique Edition as their first foray back to a busier dial, and I thought the blue feat...
Yes, I don't get the aesthetics of numbers that are almost completely obscured, but traditional customs are what they are in the world of watch design. It doesn't detract from the overall enjoyment of such a masterpiece at all. Cheers, Filip