Some people aren’t a fan of the “Eaton“ 3/9

Jun 10, 2024,18:53 PM

For me, this is about as close to perfect as possible. All the best T

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Very nice

By: GuyT : June 10th, 2024-18:58
I prefer numerals ‘eaten’, I like the 1815 with the partial 6 beneath and prefer dials rendered like that rather than a blank space / missing numerals or batons whatever is used.

It is very stunning.

By: indignantdenial : June 10th, 2024-19:22
But I am partial to the 402.032, since it is extremely clean and well laid out: (Langepedia) ...  

Lange went from the busier version, to your cleaner version, and then back to the busier version again.

By: CR : June 10th, 2024-20:09
I was always curious about Lange's decision-making behind these changes. I assume the market preferred the busier version, but I was never sure.

I never understood it.

By: indignantdenial : June 10th, 2024-20:45
This clean version is the best, in my estimation. No one needs a pulsation scale or a tachymetre scale on a gold, dress chronograph.

Now we get into the dangerous philosophical territory of, "Can a chronograph be a dress watch?" :)

By: CR : June 10th, 2024-20:55
It would be an interesting poll question, though -- to see if people prefer the busier version with the measurement scales, or the cleaner version without them.

Here's what I heard:

By: blau : June 10th, 2024-22:53
I heard that Lange had trouble selling the clean dial 1815 chrono because a lot of customers thought it looked just like the up/down, at twice the price. The busier version (which I also prefer) was more immediately differentiable.

That's too bad.

By: indignantdenial : June 10th, 2024-22:55
At least it means the market is less crowded for people like me. Everyone else can have their pulsation scale models; I'll stick to the cleaner iteration

To me the "stealth complication" aspect is a plus, a bit like havin a tourbillon but not displaying it on the dial side.

By: CR : June 11th, 2024-00:15
I figured Lange launched the cleaner version to differentiate it more from the Datograph. I liked the clean version a lot, but then they came out with the 1815 Chrono Boutique Edition as their first foray back to a busier dial, and I thought the blue feat... 

It's a gorgeous piece Tony.

By: InHavenPro : June 11th, 2024-02:11
Yes, I don't get the aesthetics of numbers that are almost completely obscured, but traditional customs are what they are in the world of watch design. It doesn't detract from the overall enjoyment of such a masterpiece at all. Cheers, Filip