No expert on the 407 but I flew private helicopters for a decade... All I will say is those heels won't work on the right seat... LOL

Feb 27, 2022,13:44 PM

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I'm no expert on helicopters,

 By: Thomas_3 : February 25th, 2022-18:56
but I believe this is a Bell Jet Ranger possibly. (Photo courtesy of Cigar Snob magazine online.) ...  

As much as I dislike flying...

 By: MikiJ : February 25th, 2022-20:00
Choppers are different - lovem'

Boom, what kind of boom? ;)

 By: amanico : February 26th, 2022-07:12

I am not a Pilot...but I could fly her any time ;-)

 By: BentN : February 25th, 2022-22:38
Thanks for sharing //B

That's bigger than a typical "Jet Ranger."

 By: patrick_y : February 25th, 2022-22:55
The 407 is a big helicopter. A typical Jet-Ranger is a Bell 206 which is smaller, two-blade, single engine (sometimes double engines are optional), and has a much smaller payload. The 407 you have here is significantly larger in size, four blades, but sti... 

Can't say I'm an expert as I fly commercial!

 By: patrick_y : February 25th, 2022-23:26
I take A LOT of Public Transportation! Hundreds of hours of flights in COACH Class per year! Very painful! I can't afford to travel via these cool private aircraft!


 By: patrick_y : February 26th, 2022-17:35
If I flew Business or First Class, I'd spend roughly 10x on flights than I already do. That difference could pay for a new car or a new watch every year!