so sexy. that patina as a background to the bright red seconds hand is epic!

Feb 04, 2022,14:49 PM

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Eternal regrets to not have been able to get one: Zenith El Primero A 384.

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2022-09:08
Why, but why didn't I jump on that one! And for those ( not me! ) who are disturbed by this dial, it also came with a spare dial! Damn me! Best, Nicolas ...  

damn sexy patina

 By: Gelato Monster : February 4th, 2022-14:22

What I think, too.

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2022-22:14

Beautiful Zenith.

 By: InHavenPro : February 4th, 2022-17:23
Which year is it from?

Early 70's.

 By: amanico : February 4th, 2022-22:14