I like

Dec 04, 2024,02:16 AM

that it is 45mm. The end

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I’m not a judgmental person, but…..yikes

By: Larrykelley11 : December 3rd, 2024-18:12
I respect the brand and have owned a couple of Zenith watches. Maybe it will go with my leopard and tiger blacklight paintings? Hope my post doesn’t offend anyone ...  

This? No!

By: K-Lo : December 3rd, 2024-19:59
But I do like the safari one in black titanium with a green dial..

This watch is what’s called an

By: Chicolini : December 4th, 2024-00:16
“Experience Watch.” In this case the experience is to wear a leopard thong, completely oil up your body, put a plastic sheet on the bed, turn the heat up really high and then . . . Hopefully you have someone else with you. Oh, the watch is oil proof too. ... 

What is going on here!!??

By: E in PA : December 4th, 2024-12:46
Raymond Weil is making sector dials and Zenith is going to the Mall with this one.

I like the Defy Extreme range, the Ti and carbon ones but this is too much

By: ifraher : December 5th, 2024-08:29
I noticed they said this was the last one they are doing so perhaps not that popular, or they just wanted to keep things limited. I feel there is something good in the Defy 21, Ultra, Extreme DNA that just needs to be consolidated into one design.