Anybody here have this watch?

Jan 23, 2025,17:31 PM

If so, curious your ownership impressions…. ?
Been looking for one for a while, albeit unsuccessfully.

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Agreed on the text. Too much

By: Tim_M : January 25th, 2025-01:27
But in an act of sweet mercy, it's **mostly** on the back of the Zenith, and most of the showpiece mechanical action is on the front. It's a bit like the current Moonwatch in that most the absurd marketing text is on the caseback. ...  

‘I an act of Sweet mercy’ - too funny.

By: MDT : January 25th, 2025-01:35
I always find it strange when they mix English and French as well. I never get that, and I have seen several makers do it
By: MDT : January 31st, 2025-18:17
I like them both! The sports watch, at least per Chrono, seems to be less money than the more formal gold one