WristScan - Royal Results …

May 08, 2023,14:54 PM

Hello dear friends,

I hope everyone has enjoyed the Royal Coronation weekend. 
It’s certainly been a fantastic spectacle and a lot of fun.

For the results this weekend we are going to do it slightly differently as after reviewing the photos for the umpteenth time I have concluded that we would all choose something very personal for the occasion. The underlying theme for the Coronation was “inclusiveness” across all cultures and nations.
On this basis I declare us all winners for taking part. 

I would like to mention just a few from our community that caught my attention during the event… 

Clive started the proceedings with his memories of a Royal garden party…

Mike Cazalea arrived in style in his Jaguar XJ Vanden Plas, Vianny Halter on his wrist …

The Count was speeding to the ceremony with three blonds and one Lange ! …

Highenddone presented this Royal pairing …

Hans joined elegantly suited up for the occasion ..,,

Abel choose gold wisely with his Breguet for the occasion..,

Drek was well organised covering all bases with this combination… 

GDG25 arrived with this stylish Omega, great wrist shot !

Art went with the classic option of a vintage Omega that I’m sure The King would have appreciated on this special occasion…

KMII, stylish as ever with his Vacheron for the occasion…

Brauner has the perfect shoes made in St James  for this event..

And finally our dear friend watchonthewrists arrived at the ceremony polished and suitably dressed … I can almost smell the leather, wood and a wiff of petrol ! 

God save the King !


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Congratulations to everyone..

 By: hans_jorgen_1968 : May 8th, 2023-14:57
… that VC is so nice Have a great week BR Hans

Thank you Hans …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:39
Hope you have a great week ahead.

Thank you for joining us Ajas …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:40
Hope to see you for WristScan next weekend.

Beautiful event!

 By: Derreck : May 8th, 2023-15:30
Thank you Captain for organizing it and also thanks to everyone who joined and gave us another reason to remember by this speacial week.

Thank you Derreck for your kind words …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:41
And joining us for WristScan.

This is a truly royal result, dear Captain!

 By: GDG25 : May 8th, 2023-15:54
Congratulations to all participants.

Thank you dear Count …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:43
Drive carefully 😉🥂

I love your shot in the Rolls …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:44
Thank you for joining us this weekend.

Thank you

 By: Drek : May 8th, 2023-19:08
for running this theme it was a pleasure to see so many lovely watches. Warm regards D.

Thank you Abel for joining in and all your help …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:47
Best regards Captain

Thx for hosting this fine topic !.. Great theme & superb pics !

 By: hs111 : May 9th, 2023-10:31
Thx for your guidance for this noble event,congrats to all winners & nominees and Thx for great judgement !! Best for your week, 😊😊

Thank you HS …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 9th, 2023-11:48
See you for WristScan on Friday 😉