The Wrist Scan theme you've all been waiting for: Dive Watches! . . .

Feb 04, 2025,19:46 PM

. . . get ready with the divers in your collection or imagination . . . 

. . . this coming Friday.


Extra points for wrist shots taken in the deep.

smile  smile

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Hello dear Art!! Love this Theme!! Guess you know that!!

By: Subexplorer : February 6th, 2025-03:45
Look forward to your opening post next Friday. I feel we will have a very enjoyable and fun weekend viewing the entries answering this great Theme!! Cheers! Abel

Hi Larry …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 6th, 2025-22:19
Art will post the live thread on Friday. Hold fire until then…. Looking forward ti seeing your photos.