Starting Friday ! …

Sep 04, 2024,11:24 AM

Hello dear friends ! 

The September edition of WristScan starts on Friday and our theme is all about La Dolce Vita an Italian phrase that translates to "The Good Life" in English. 

We want to celebrate life's pleasures, embracing a leisurely and indulgent approach to living and hope you can join us and share a little of your Good Life with us !

Extra points for making us laugh with pleasure !

Best regards 

Captain and the team. 

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Funny that…

By: KMII : September 4th, 2024-12:21
Have the very watch on the wrist 😁 Looking forward to the WS - great theme!

Some of you know I used to edit math textbooks (no that's not leisurely and indulgent)

By: cazalea : September 5th, 2024-22:27
Recently I found a comedian who does an act using math. Since there are a lot of nerdy, engineering, highly-educated guys here, I thought a good laugh might get us started. eBay minus Internet=garage sale Twitter X minus Internet=Jr High Wikipedia minus D...