Dr No[Moderator Omega - Wristscan]
It's a sad story, K. The Overseas was a prize won in a contest . . .
Sep 12, 2023,23:48 PM
. . . put on by Westime in conjunction with The Purists. Unfortunately the photos that accompanied the original threads posted November 19th, '04 have disappeared; the threads can be found by entering my name in the search engine of the VC forum.
Several months later, I gave the VD to my Dad. I never saw him as happy as that very moment. Then, some time later, he returned the Overseas, saying it was too good a watch for him, and that he could never wear it.
I suppose he thought he was doing me a kindness, but the rejection was bittersweet at best. Roughly a year later, I let Thomas broker the Overseas, and used the funds to underwrite a GO perpetual calendar.
Both are now gone.