Hello, my dear friend Abel !.. As I was already expecting your this week‘s input, I again meanwhile have enjoyed your selection and pics !
Sep 09, 2023,14:24 PM
My biggest fav of your line–up, were the wonderful Red Sub ( Single Red 1680), both your Blancpain FF‘s (lovely Vintage BTW !), the
superb shot of your Marina Militare and also the Pre– Daytona 6238 ( pretty rare find, I guess); the Omegas are not far behind..
You see, again –as so many times– I enjoyed your selections and pictures; the PAM Marina Militare I just remember from another
entry, already some time ago..
– Also like the grained surface of the Bronzo PAM; it exhibits a bit of a „rough“ look, that way. i can imagine,
that you like a lot wearing your „Sport–Portfolio“, and several might hunt for the space on your wrist !.. Lolol !!
Wishing you a great remainder of this weekend, enjoy your tic–tacs and
continue to wear them in the best of your health !
Take my best regards, 😊😊