February Wrist Scan is live! . . .

Feb 02, 2024,11:54 AM

. . . let's share our favorite books and authors along with the watches we're wearing this weekend.

Young No was an inveterate reader.  A fair guess of the total would be in the low thousands of books, mainly historical and political topics with a smattering of fiction in between.  

Then I hit my thirties.  


And stopped.  In the second half of my life, I might've read a few scores tops.  Saturated with curiosity, I suppose.  So while I can't claim to be constantly adding to my base of knowledge, there are a few I've read in the distant past worthy of suggestion to anyone interested in the current state of our world.   

The first would be Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Let it suffice to state it's unlikely no book illustrates the saying, "The more things change, the more they remain the same" as eloquently and elegantly as Seven Pillars.  To say Lawrence was a brilliant writer with a compelling story to tell would be to engage in understatement.

The other would be Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope.  A controversial book by an equally controversial writer.  His perspective on modern history is informative, and then some.  

I've read both twice; that's the highest compliment I can pay.

As for writers, the one whose style and manner that appealed most would be Edward Crankshaw, who wrote about conflicts of the Twentieth Century.  Not an academic historian, but a journalist involved in the cogs of the British government and military when the world was at war, hot and cold.  His style was so appealing that I believe he's the only writer I've given a second read based solely on his sensibility.  I read The New Cold War: Moscow vs Pekin in my teens and then found a copy of his biography of Otto Bismarck in a book store which went home with me in my twenties.  I think both are still in storage.  

Who are your favorites?

On my wrist later today: Great White.

Watch by WristScan, Omega, Seamaster, Diver

(Old pic, will take a fresh snap later.)


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Not so many years ago,

By: Mary Anny : February 2nd, 2024-12:15
I was there, staring at the Seven Pillars, with my motorbike. I remember the cleanest and freshest air ever breath in my life. Although, I could not experience any change in my poor wisdom, I will never forget the experience. Great book Seven Pillars of W... 

Ah, my ignorance…

By: KMII : February 3rd, 2024-07:21
In spite of having moved the book across countries and continents, have not yet managed to read it. So there are actual Seven Pillars?

On our way back from Wadi Rum (Jordan),

By: Mary Anny : February 4th, 2024-14:45
Here.... Sorry for the mess. It was several years ago. The trip story had been published in a French/Italian magazine. ...  

Thanks for pointing this out!

By: KMII : February 4th, 2024-15:04
I thought motorcycles were only allowed for the police in Jordan? Looking like a fabulous trip 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

We travelled from Spain to Jordan,

By: Mary Anny : February 4th, 2024-17:28
Through Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, and Syria. I can't stop feeling the deepest sadness for what happened in Syria and what is going on in the entire area. Syria and its people are always in my heart.

Lots of suffering in the region indeed…

By: KMII : February 6th, 2024-01:35
Sounds like an epic trip. Love road tripping on the odd occasion when my family lets me off for the time required 😁 Still not easy with two small children 🤷🏻‍♂️ The last one was a year ago from the North of Germany to Turkey, taking the road less travelle...  

Beautiful pictures and amazing trip.

By: Mary Anny : February 6th, 2024-08:14
Although they were big girls in 2010, I remember, as if it were yesterday, myself crying like a baby because I couldn't speak with them in many days. We were travelling the infinite roads of the southern coast of Turkey. Unxpectedly, the most difficult pa... 

A RWD Mercedes CLS…

By: KMII : February 8th, 2024-02:47
Not a fully optimal choice. Very comfortable and for the most part extremely well suited to the task but on several occasions completely useless in the wintry conditions (at one point 5 friendly gentlemen needed to help push me to get moving at a snowed i...  

Nor were the Harleys in the midlle of the desert!

By: Mary Anny : February 8th, 2024-08:22
What a great trip and experience! We visited Istanbul and then headed to Ankara. From Ankara to Mersin and Adana. The mythic “Iskenderun”! We entered Syria from the Bab al-Hawa crossing, which is apparently still open, although the photos in Google show q... 

No plans at present, but when my 'round-the-world trip to visit forum friends happens . . .

By: Dr No : February 6th, 2024-02:42
. . . there'll be at least one stop on the Continent. Probably Paris, but Salzburg is the most charming city of prior travels.


By: Mary Anny : February 2nd, 2024-13:06
A bit puerile, perhaps, but I still like reading this book every once in a while. Great theme, Have a wonderful weekend everyone! ...  

Currently …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 2nd, 2024-14:55
Hi Art and friends ! I usually have several books “on the go” at the same time. Some are by my favourite authors and others simply because I enjoy the subject. Fleming being one of the greatest and this book is probably not one that you have picked up … T...  

One of few books read in recent years is Mark Donohue's . . .

By: Dr No : February 2nd, 2024-19:33
. . . The Unfair Advantage , more out of respect and admiration for him than current interest in racing. He was teen No's hero, and still is. 🏎️ ...  

I have one too - you know these are quite rare volumes - given they stopped distribution after his death

By: cazalea : February 3rd, 2024-00:35
and only decades later did my old pal & client Michael Bentley convince the family to allow him to republish it (devaluing our rare 1st editions? who knows) ...  

People vividly remember when they first heard of JFK's assassination . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-02:18
. . . and 9/11. Same goes for me hearing about Donohue's fatal crash in Austria. I was in a hotel room in Alaska . . . couldn't believe my idol was gone.

One of the great unanswered questions of history . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-16:03
. . . is whether Mark and Roger would've conquered F1 like every other discipline they mastered. 🤷‍♂️

Saw Mark at least five times, maybe six . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-16:42
. . . and winning once. Riverside, '73 - I'm somewhere in the stands, taking in the race and the smog.

Half a century later, I can still . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-17:44
. . . taste the smog that day. 😖 Btw, the title of the clip is in error - it was '73, not '72. And I saw Mark drive only five times; he wasn't an entry in the '71 Los Angeles Times 500 at Ontario Motor Speedway. That race was won by A J Foyt driving a Mer... 

Great choices of books and watches dear Captain!!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-02:01
The Fleming book I ordered past year and is waiting for me in Miami. Will pick up it and read it in my next trip. Hagwe my dear friend ! Abel


By: KMII : February 3rd, 2024-07:23
Have read the first, based on your recommendation and thoroughly enjoyed it. Time to give some of the locations a visit - did visit one since reading the book, namely Annecy in France and it has truly been a blast 👌🏻

You are the book influencer 😀

By: KURT_DAVID : February 3rd, 2024-16:09
Ashamed to admit I rarely read a book but you caught my eye when you first mentioned vintage Fleming. I’ve had a quick scan but I am saving it for my fast approaching holiday. 🍻 ...  

Thank you.

By: KURT_DAVID : February 4th, 2024-21:29
Do not usually wear a watch like that but sometimes you have to improvise. It is one of my favourite photos. 🍻

For the photog lovers....

By: enjoythemusic : February 2nd, 2024-15:00
Enjoy Your Time PS: Am a geek, so reference books ARE the type i love. And yes, i do RTFM ...  

They must be expensive to keep 🤔

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 3rd, 2024-15:03
Interestingly, my predictive text wanted to add “alive” at the end of that sentence 🤷🏼‍♂️

You knew . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-15:48
. . . this was coming. And if they tour next year too, the UPS guy will be outa luck again.

Wow! Big Congrats my friend!!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-02:25
Look forward to your post and review when it reaches your wrist!! Enjoy it so much dear Captain!! Abel

Hello dear Art! Great Theme you choose for this new edition of WS!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-02:22
Regret I will be able to answer tomorrow as I’m without WiFi service since three days ago and the provider service promised to visit on Saturday to fix the problem. 4G doesn’t allow me to post pictures now. Only text… I hope. Anyway… I remember viewing th... 

The Omega GMT is a recent arrival . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-06:27
. . . and from the collection of a long-term member of our community, Timerider. We met up for sushi earlier today. The PG was on his wrist, Great White on mine. Re Lawrence: my paternal Grandfather saw him in 1917 walking with General Allenby. Dad said h...  

Dad took his Dad to see . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-16:09
. . . Lawrence of Arabia when it premiered in '62. That's when he learned his father had been a witness to history; it was a surreal moment for Dad. ✍🏼

Wow Art! That’s a great story and a historical picture!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-12:19
And big congrats on this new piece for your collection. Enjoy it so much my dear friend. No internet yet at home. Eagerly waiting for the service visit since 8 AM here! Will return later with my post. Abel

My first post on this forum was in November '04 . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-16:39
. . . and shortly thereafter I replied to a thread asking for GMT suggestions. My candidate then was Great White. Now, almost twenty years later, it's on my wrist. As they say, all good things come to he who waits. ;-)

Now that’s a topic I could write tones about…

By: KMII : February 3rd, 2024-07:14
I have been a profligate reader for most of my life and continue enjoying the hobby to this day. The selection of what I read is eclectic in the widest possible sense of the word. There’s lots of non-fiction, paired with classics, modern literature, sci-i...  

So, time to read the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, then?

By: KMII : February 3rd, 2024-07:20
I have had the book lying around for decades but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Been practicing Umberto Eco’s concept of the anti-library relatively well, keeping almost as many ‘yet to be read’ books around as read ones 😁 Btw. the last books I finished... 

I also proactise Eco´s concept. I keep buying books and receiving them as gifts. I need to spare time to read them while needing time to re- read some I liked so much or those I need...

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-22:01
... to read to learn facts regarding my hobbies. So unread books accumulate and I dream when I will have lots of time in my retirement. Let´s see what the future allows!! So many plans in my mind... Best, Abel

I am sure there are many books you will still read 😊👍🏻

By: KMII : February 4th, 2024-14:50
As you said, your approaching retirement might provide you with the necessary spare time 🤞🏻

Reality gap :)

By: jml_watches : February 3rd, 2024-10:49
Hi All The gap between what we'd like to read and the reality, like starting with Ulysses & giving up within 50 pages. If I'm honest kinda made my head hurt - far too deep & literary for me! So what I think I understand & don't! The reality Finally - just...  

Hello dear JML! Ahh! that wonderful JLC Futurematic!! May be it is a book of Don Camillo series by Giovannino Guareschi? I don´t dare to even suggest the title of your first shot background! Lol!Great watches and shots to play my friend!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-22:21
Don´t worry about leaving the Ulises unread. I must confess I didn´t finish it too. May be some day will read it from start again. We have to consider there are so many books and great writers to read. We can´t expect that all of them will touch our souls... 

I remember as an impressionable...

By: SALMANPK : February 3rd, 2024-23:09
10 year old reading Never Love a Stranger the first time and it was quite an experience the movies unfortunately are a watered down version of the books as to not offend the sensibilities of the time, I think if they made movies close the books, they woul... 

It is usually what heppens when we read a book and we view a film based on it:The feelings experimented while reading is rarely felt in a movie. Agree with you that the enjoyment of a good book...

By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-02:01
... is unsurppased. I don´t have a favorite book from Robbins because the very few I read was long ago. I remember viewing Nevada Smith in the late 60´s because I had always been a fan of Steve Mc Queen. I also was a fan of Tom Selleck´s Magnum P.I. Guess... 

Hello dear Art! Still waiting for the internet service…

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-17:02
… but I will try to post my shots. I love books and have been an avid reader since I was very young. My house is big and full of books. For my wife ‘s dispair not only my book cases but every place and room have books of very eclectic subjects. Be it fict... 


By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-17:08
Stacks of books covering a large cofee table in our living room… James Bond related books have been an obsession since I discovered 007 in the mid 60’s The 60th Anniversary Bond Seamaster make company to Bond related books ...  

More shots…

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-17:16
A favorite book about watches. Though author collects pocket watches his writing can be applied to wrist watches as well. He speaks about collecting and collectors and their passion and feelings. Very nice reading! Paired with this beginnings of XX Centur...  

More shots while 4G allows!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-17:32
Ronald Dahl another of my favorite authors. Paired with a NOS gold case c 1967 ref 168009-2 found in the cases of a closed watch shop some years ago How not to love and admire this author? I paired this book with his short stories with my Rolex Bubbleback...  

And more 4g shots! Last pictures for my post! Thanks for your patience!!

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-17:46
The Silent World by Jacques Cousteau introduced me into the marvelous under water world and fired my passion for Scuba diving when I read it an old edition of this classic in around 1959 when I was just eleven. This ref 1680 was bought brand new in 1977 i...  

Now that I think about it, Abel, we had an author theme many years ago . . .

By: Dr No : February 3rd, 2024-18:36
. . . centered on Charles Bukowski. There were many community members in that thread who are no longer here, or rarely. How time flies . . . thankfully, we have our watches to guide us along the way. 😌

I don´t remember that one Art. Agree that time flies!! I can testify that! Lol!! Yes, we are lucky to have our beloved watches.

By: Subexplorer : February 3rd, 2024-21:46
I wonder how many editions of WS and the Themes of them have been celebrated since I arrived to WPS in 2012. Say... eleven years x 52 weeks per year are more than 570 Themes!! Wow! Am I right?? My memory surely can´t tell the titles of all those themes! L... 

New Old Stock Constellation !!!

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 4th, 2024-11:10
Simply wow and if that wasn’t enough you followed up with an exquisite Rolex Bubbleback ! I don’t think I dare open your next post on medical advice 😉

Ha ha ha! Thank you so much dear Captain. The Omega gold was a very lucky find several years ago. I don´t dare to wear it as its has it´s original leather straps never worn, but sometimes...

By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-13:46
... I wear for a few hours at home. It was found after a little watch shop closed and there were just a few old watches left in a drawer. This was the most interesting one. The Bubbleback is very nice and so difficult to photograph to really appreciate th... 

What a suitable subject…

By: KMII : February 4th, 2024-14:56
You seem to be full of fitting watch / book combinations 🙌🏻👌🏻👏🏻

Thank you so much dear Captain! Though I don´t collect pocket watches, a few have been added to my wristwatch collection through the years. Those are pocket watches I couldn´t resist to...

By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-14:04
... take home. This is one of them. There is an identical one in Goldberger Omega book. In the big thick Omega reference book it is shown with an ad offering it at beginnings of XX for use by those pioneer "chaufeurs". It is a large and curious piece with... 

The Bond 60th perfectly photographed …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 4th, 2024-10:56
I also noticed several books on your table that I also have. The photographs by Greg Williams are superb and really capture the essence of Bond.

That looks almost like home 😂

By: KMII : February 4th, 2024-14:54
In 2012 my wife got me an iPad with Kindle installed because she (rightfully) claimed that continuing to add physical books at the same pace would result in the two of us no longer having space to live 😂

Books and watches, my two life-long passions.

By: R. Goodfellow : February 3rd, 2024-18:10
Here's a few biblio-horologic favorites: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Perhaps this JLC is paired with the wrong play. "One ring to rule them all." Well, maybe two in this case. "It's terrifying when you consider tha...  

Thank you, KMII!

By: R. Goodfellow : February 4th, 2024-19:02
A PloProf requires more confidence than it does wrist circumference, as it is big but does not wear big --more like a 44mm Luminor (albeit taller) than a 47mm Luminor 1950. Titanium makes it very light. ...  

Light is a relative term 😂

By: KMII : February 6th, 2024-01:38
In the boutique, even the titanium on rubber felt like a weight lifting exercise to me 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

Unique book, for me at least because its in dialect and from my mother ☺️

By: @lberti : February 3rd, 2024-19:01
Wikipedia "If I Were a Boy (Albanian: Sikur t'isha djalë) is an Albanian epistolary novel written by Haki Stërmilli in 1936. Written mostly in a form of diary entries it documents the struggle of the young female protagonist Dija to adjust in an Albanian ...  

Thanks so much - would be highly interested 👍🏻

By: KMII : February 6th, 2024-01:23
If I recall correctly the only two Albanian authors I have read are Ismail Kadare and Enver Hoxha 😉 The First is of course internationally renowned as an author, the second less so in that capacity but I picked up a copy of his ‘Yugoslav self-determinatio... 

Reading this today …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 4th, 2024-10:50
Well it is Sunday … The 321 Speedmaster feels appropriate ;-)) … Car and watch in perfect harmony … Best regards Captain ...  

Good morning Dr. My favorite book of all times is

By: aWtchslvr : February 4th, 2024-11:55
“Guns, germs and steel: the fates of human societies” by one of my favorites writers, Jared Diamond. This weekend I’m enjoying my Nomos. Best. ...  

Hi aWtchslvr …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 4th, 2024-12:49
I haven’t had the pleasure of reading “Guns, germs and steel”. I will certainly take a look. Enjoy your Nomos today ! Best regards Captain

Been decades since I read it…

By: KMII : February 4th, 2024-15:02
But thoroughly enjoyed it! Need to give it another look 👍🏻 That Nomos is a lovely choice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I am guilty of not reading enough in recent years..

By: S F : February 4th, 2024-11:55
Even the few books which I started, I did not manage to follow through…let me work on it in 2024 starting with this… ...  

Well I’m reading this one right now…

By: myles721 : February 4th, 2024-11:55
And might I say if just one of them was wearing one of these they’d be sipping Mai Tai’s on the rocks instead of being on rocks. ☠️☠️☠️ ...  

Hi Myles …

By: Cpt Scarlet : February 4th, 2024-12:53
This book looks a good read and your choice of a Seamaster is very appropriate. Personally, sipping Mai Tai’s on the rocks sounds like a perfect Sunday ! Best regards Captain

When you read the book

By: myles721 : February 4th, 2024-21:09
you understand that a Seamaster would have actually saved their lives…and limes.

I wish to add a few wrist shots with books celebrating I now…

By: Subexplorer : February 4th, 2024-15:02
… have my Internet service restored!! Lol! Just realized that I only posted static shots in my previous entry. Have a nice Sunday dear friends! Abel ...  

I’m afraid my tastes run to the mundane!

By: Timeout : February 4th, 2024-18:36
Here’s my first one - complete with the non-existent timepiece of Jack Reacher - who happens to have a body clock with chronometer precision 🤣. But then to redeem myself I’ll also include this one. ...  

Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy, John LeCarre - I've read 'em . . .

By: Dr No : February 4th, 2024-19:41
. . . all. And I mean most of their novels, not just one of each. But that was a long time ago. Can't bring myself to pick up a work of fiction now. Art

I feel the same way

By: myles721 : February 4th, 2024-21:12
read all of LeCarre (you should watch the last interview with him “The Pidgeon Tunnel”) awesome!!! Graham Greene isn’t bad either…

The one Greene novel I've read . . .

By: Dr No : February 4th, 2024-22:06
. . . is The Quiet American , and some fifty years ago at that. I saw the '58 version of the film adaptation several years ago; deeply impressed by the production and performances, but didn't realize how different the tone was from the book until reading ... 

Great theme!

By: KCLQMULKU : February 4th, 2024-20:23
For me it will have to be Tolien's LotR, no question. My personal copy I bought back in the 90s, and next to the Reverso which I had coveted throughout that period. ...  

A suggestion, if I may: James Billington's . . .

By: Dr No : February 5th, 2024-23:18
. . . Fire In The Minds of Men . Billington became Librarian of Congress a few years after writing it; it came out while I was in college but didn't read it until many years later. He might well be the most famous American no one is aware of. Art

If I'm not too late...

By: Gregineugene : February 5th, 2024-03:05
Francis Mallmann is my go to barbecue book. Always a good read. Good stories. Good insights. Good recipies. Mmmmmm..... And chronos pair nicely with barbecue. ...  

I'm one of those guys that likes to cook and grill . . .

By: Dr No : February 5th, 2024-23:08
. . . but never read a book on the subject. Or any tome devoted to the culinary arts, brewing, gardening, etc. I should write a book . . . . . . about guacamole. People have been known to beg for it. 🥑 ...  

Terry Pratchett's Diskworld ...

By: Marcus Hanke : February 5th, 2024-09:55
... is the my favourite series of novels and stories. In fact, I collected nearly everything written by Pratchett - as I did with the works of Asimov, Sheckley, Alan Dean Foster and others. Marcus ...  

Cool photo

By: jml_watches : February 5th, 2024-15:58
With you on the Discworld series, really enjoyed it. Keep thinking I need to revisit it. Cheers JML

Might've read Asimov . . .

By: Dr No : February 5th, 2024-23:12
. . . in my early teens, Marcus; for sure I've read Arthur C Clarke, also 50+ years ago. Science fiction was personally more compelling on film, though. Best, Art