Oh, is that what you use that tool for?
Jun 29, 2013,06:12 AM
I had been using it for other purposes....

...although, I think Dean has wisely recommended not to drink and change straps at the same time. ;-)
Seriously, this is an excellent post to show us how to change the strap with the VC pocket knife. Thank you!
I do wonder if too frequent changes of the strap might strip the screw hole and if this could be remedied by VC if it happens and -- at what cost. The screws themselves will inevitably be damaged during these strap changes. Those can be replaced if needed. But one also must be very careful and have a steady hand with regard to contact between the screwdriver and the case around the screw hole. The process, as you described is very easy but it is not very easy to do perfectly. Also, is there any problem with buildup of Loctite in the hole if one uses the Loctitie to help secure the screws?
Anyway, this is how I am wearing mine this summer:
Best regards,