Thanks for this insight! I'll have a look! Best, E.

Nov 27, 2024,13:12 PM

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Saint-John Perse

By: quattro : November 27th, 2024-08:26
Dearer to my heart than horology is poetry. Having been rereading lately some Saint-John Perse, I thought I'd share the last page of Chronique (in French & English translation), which I find very beautiful. It's a poem on old age written in 1959 (he was 7...  

Saint John Perse

By: Tyo : November 27th, 2024-10:19
I didn’t expect to hear about Saint-John Perse here, It even makes me break my silence. I’m from and still live on the island where he was born. Here for you, the museum named after him. ...  

Thank you so much for this photo (I will keep it in my SJP file)!

By: quattro : November 27th, 2024-10:45
I've never been in Guadeloupe, but would love to someday. And I love the poems where SJP evokes his childhood there. Best, Emmanuel

Trop de choses hermétiques dans sa poésie, je crois.

By: quattro : November 27th, 2024-14:58
Mais c'est quand même grâce à ma professeure de français de 1ère que je l'ai découvert.

He's certainly not an easy poet to read, but I find him quite fascinating.

By: quattro : November 27th, 2024-10:57
Sometimes, it feels to me almost like American abstract expressionist painting (Joan Mitchell or Jackson Pollock). Hermetic but immensely powerful. My favorite pieces would be Praises (the specific section in the Praises book) and Chronique . Praises evok... 

Refreshing post, thank you 🙏🏽

By: ArmisT : November 27th, 2024-16:28
Agree, based on the above, his poetry is complex. But for those who enjoy, it’s that depth of expression which can be very impactful.

Thank you so much for this post…

By: orahu : November 27th, 2024-11:42
I have never heard of him before, nor do I read much poetry, but this is a beautiful passage (in your post), certainly resonates with me, and I will try to explore more of his writings.

I'm glad this passage spoke to you!

By: quattro : November 27th, 2024-15:01
He's not an easy poet to read: sometimes, it's a little like admiring abstract expressionist painting!

what a strange and beautiful surprise

By: psfparis : November 27th, 2024-13:45
"Etroits sont les vaisseaux, étroite notre couche. Immense l’étendue des eaux, plus vaste notre empire Aux chambres closes du désir." I was a big fan of SJP then I got older & became lazy ;-) buying vintage watches & cars

Great memory!

By: quattro : November 27th, 2024-15:07
I'm not into cars, but watches, they do make me dream, for sure... ...