
Mar 22, 2023,20:32 PM

*someone* will know but it may not be us

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Oh no! This is so sad and just horrible

By: Moka-Tiger (Ron) : March 22nd, 2023-12:37
At least no one was hurt, but such a tragedy. Why, why are there such individuals who do these things?

Sad. I wonder if the watches were taken

By: Thomas_3 : March 22nd, 2023-13:21
before it was blown up. Things like this make me not want to wear my Rolex, among others out in public anymore. Too many prying eyes and desperate people.

My wife and I haven't travelled...

By: mdg : March 22nd, 2023-15:33
...with our Rolex's in years. Only locally and even that is getting problematic. I live in a very nice part of California and things shouldn't be like this...

In reality they shouldn't be like that anywhere.

By: Thomas_3 : March 22nd, 2023-17:00
It is only getting worse. I carry a concealed gun, not that I am going to be a hero, but I refuse to be a helpless victim and just give in. If they want my watch they can have it, same goes for money. My life, not so fast.

Kill them or wound them, either way

By: Thomas_3 : March 23rd, 2023-13:11
someone is probably going to sue you. The shooter, or the shooter's family, even if the shooting was deemed justified. Shoot the shooter, save numerus lives and you still end up the loser. Won't stop me from carrying though. "Why did you have to kill him,...  

I can believe it...

By: mdg : March 22nd, 2023-19:48
...same in AZ if I'm not mistaken, going from what I've seen in Scottsdale...

Insurance fraud?

By: blau : March 22nd, 2023-19:45
Or a warning from underworld creditors? Of course I don't know anything but those would seem to be the most natural explanations, right?

I do not want to go that far. It is like these cases we have here

By: brauner : March 22nd, 2023-20:03
where some guys come in with a powerful car, blow up a cash machine and get the shortest way to a border line, Netherlands or Belgium.