Looking for the Sunrise on a Cloudy Day

Jan 29, 2025,19:01 PM

We left home early, heading East hopeful of finding sun in 30 minutes when it was scheduled to appear. There was no chance near the coast as the Marine Layer was doing its best gray blur.

When we were looking for a nice vantage point we found this Olds Toronado instead. A bit past its prime though.

I wouldn't criticize this orange tree though, and it was the first of hundreds!

The skies were more interesting now but we still couldn't find a spot where the sun was promising to emerge.

Turning around I looked up right into the backside of a goat.

The birds were lined up (like at Starbucks) chatting and waiting ...

When life gives you lemons, it gives you lemons but I suppose you are under no obligation to do anything with them

Same goes for oranges.

Little lake at Lake Palo Verde. We very nearly bought a home here (several years ago). Made offers, talked business, got cold feet.

The site

Beautiful, but could you imagine the sleepness nights during fire seasons?

Some of the neighbors

Valleys filled with a creek and a lake in the bottom often have lots of interesting native foliage too.

Half-hour after sunrise and we just haven't found much evidence of sunshine.

AHA! It finally arrives as we pass some beautiful red-barked Manzanita (95 different varieties have been found in California)

The terrain as we turn south and west towards home.

Sycuan Indian Tribal land hosts their Casino where they extract money from the gambling types (my Mom was, I'm not)

We were startled to see literally hundreds of goats along the road; obviously a new business venture for the tribe.

My wife was ready to grab one of these cute little fellas.

A few more homesteads of different sorts appeared.

Look at the size of that rock!

The next turn brought us to a flock of sheep; I had no idea there were so many animals here now -- in years past we have never seen this.

Tiring of the drive, we made our way home, famished. Yes, I switched watches along the way just for variety.

Thanks for joining us. My wife made breakfast today, while I sorted the photos.



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