In the name of my Father

Nov 18, 2023,20:27 PM

Dear Purists, dear Friends, I would like to share with you some personal feelings and memories, emotions and stories about my late Father, who left the family almost exactly 3 years ago. (If it is not allowed or if it is not in the proper topic here, please delete or move it to the right place by a Moderator.)

How was he?

Well, he was the Maestro, der Alte, the King, the star defence lawyer of our town, my Hero, my rule model, my idol, the one and only, the powerful, who has all the wisdom of the world.
Our relationship wasn’t easy, I was the chosen, who followed him of his path, both in the profession and as well in the family, with great expectations from him.
I was for a long time in his shadow, and I am still weaker in some fields of life than him.
He loved to read, listen to the music, loved to drink and smoke, and loved the womens, loved the the paintings, the cars and, of course, loved the watches.
He was one of the last mohicans, the last polihistors of our time, he read more books than I will ever read, was at home at the field of classical music (Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, just to name a few of them), he learned Latin in the secondary school, he was at home in philosophy, politics, history.
As a peer of the beatniks, he loved the Doors, Eric Clapton, Santana, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, but his first and forever love was the Stones, of course. He was open for the new waves also: Dire Straits, Cure.
He bought his first S-Class at the begininng of the 80’ies, when everyone has Trabants, Lada and other automobiles from the eastern block, to which our county belonged at that time.
And of course the watches. He begun late to deal with this field, but when I bought a book with some serious watches inside and I gave to him he realised at once: “ We are nowhere, my son, we have nothing.”
Soon after this recognition he started to make up our lost ground and get his very first serious watch, in style with a Rolex, of course:

It is not an ordinary Rolex, my Friends, it is my Father’s Rolex, which is now in my collection, and it never leave the posession of the family, because everything started with this watch and whenever I wear this watch I feel literally my Father’s blood in my pulse.
The acquistion of this watch wasn’t ordinary: my Father get it as a lawyer’s fee in a criminal case from a famous client who was also a watch aficionado, my Father was his defence lawyer. Isn’t it a good start?

I remember very well about his second serious watch of his collection, because we bought it together:

Well, it is an 5119 in yellow gold, which is now - sadly - a part of my collection, and I don’t think that I must repeat myself: it will be stay in the family.
I remember well at that time when he bought the watch, because we travelled together to Austria to buy it for him. At that time I was a watch addict and he was valued my opinion. First we went to a smaller watch shop to see a redgold Jaeger Master Control Reserve de Marche with the idea to buy it maybe instead of the Patek:

I never forgot what he told to me after seeing the Jaeger: go and travel a little bit further to get that watch named Calatrava…

He had impeccable style also at the field of watches, the style was in his bloods.

And, of course, as a criminal lawyer, he must get also this watch:

How could be else than a gold Daytona??

The watch now belongs to my little brother, who is not a watch nut and not a lawyer, but my Father’s last will was that: if my little brother needs money, than he can get it from the sale of the most valuable watch from my father’s collection. Have I mentioned already, that my father was very, very wisdom?

I can clearly remember our last conversation 3 years ago. I got a phone call from him, which was not too often. It was a very nice and long conversation, and although he was very ill at that time, he was optimistic and we talked about mannish things for quite a long time. One thing was very, very strange: when we were saying goodbye he said farewell repetitiveness which was never his style. Later, on the very same day, I realised the reason: it was our very last conversation in this world.
After his death literally all the wall clocks has stopped, not only at home but also at our lawyer’s office. The brickwall of our fireplace had fallen down.
I couldn’t even touch his watches for a year after his death, but I clearly remember the first time when I first wound up his Calatrava: the radio started to play “Start me up” from the Stones…

What should I say to you, dad?
I think now you can proud of me, because I am following your path and routes, and I try to be the best lawyer on the town, following your deep and heavy heritage, and because your fourth grandchild is on her way to this world, and, of course, she will be a girl, but with an immaculate taste, like you and your third grandchild, whom you can get in your own hands and who will be one day the best lawyer in our town.
God bless you in the heaven, my dad!

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Many thanks,

By: Speedie74 aka Mr. Torquise : November 25th, 2023-11:54
yes, his watches stay further in the family's posession as well as his legacy!

What a nice tribute to your dad

By: TeutonicCarFan : November 18th, 2023-20:51
A true Renaissance man! He would be proud how he still impacts you and is held in high regard.

Wow! Very Nice Post.

By: Vinnieb : November 18th, 2023-21:13
Unfortunately, my dad passed a year ago this month and I can easily say for those that still have parents alive, you should cherish your time together. Life and time go by so fast and sometimes you don’t realize it till it’s too late. Thank you for your p... 

Thank You, Vinnie, for your kind words!

By: Speedie74 aka Mr. Torquise : November 25th, 2023-12:00
My condolences for the lost of your father, I think a man will be man after the great moments of his life: after the birth of his child or a death of a family member. Both phenomenon are the greatest mysteries of life.

Its worth emulating life story.

By: Pun : November 19th, 2023-03:40
What's more important that you have recognised the virtues and values of your father and are trying to follow them. My best wishes and regards.

Such a beautiful post and loving tribute

By: Larrykelley11 : November 19th, 2023-13:26
There are times when I think my hobby is trivial, then I read something as moving as this tribute to your father and it see human connections and thread that watches create. Thanks for sharing and I am sure your father would have enjoyed seeing this post.... 

Thank you, Larry!

By: Speedie74 aka Mr. Torquise : November 25th, 2023-12:08
Yes, indeed, the human relationship is the most important also in the digitalized world!

Lost my Dad three years ago, too, Adam . . .

By: Dr No : November 21st, 2023-22:58
. . . and believe me, he shared many similarities with yours, although his taste in music started and stopped with classical. He couldn't understand my devotion to the Stones . . . it bothered him immensely that my life revolved around Stones tours. Well,...  

Happy Thanksgiving from America, Abel! . . .

By: Dr No : November 23rd, 2023-20:58
. . . hope all is well with you, too. On my way soon to our family holiday gathering, will share a photo or two on Food and Wine.

Sad to hear that. Hope all is better now.

By: iceheller 1945 ✌️ : November 28th, 2023-04:15
My dad-in-law whom I respect a lot like you do to your dad, passed away 2 years back. Understood how you feel. I took a break frm online activity fr the 1st year and cut my hair “botak” fr 2 years in a row near the anniversary as a way to mourn. Your dad ...