Locally, I've only been to the Melbourne Museum (bit obvious, but used to go to the old one on LaTrobe st a lot), the Powerhouse and the one in Canberra.
Have taken my nephews to Scienceworks (The Halls of Justice from Mad Max!), though.
That said: I usually go to History Museums, could spend days in the Imperial War Museum or the RN museum at Portsmouth...
Just recalled a wierd museum I visited in Malacca, Malaysia: The museum of Enduring Beauty. The name is a bit cryptic, but it's basically a study of what people and cultures do to their bodies in the name of beauty: From scarification and teeth filing, to tattoos and neck rings, to corsets and eating discorders. Nothing special, display-wise, but an interesting concept nonetheless.
This message has been edited by BDLJ on 2009-11-10 23:13:04