Fountain Pen Ink

Feb 03, 2025,16:03 PM

Can bottled fountain pen ink go bad?  I have heard it can and I have

heard it can't.  It is stored in a room temperature, dry dark place.
Also, what happens if it should freeze?

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More than you need to know on the topic...

By: Gregineugene : February 3rd, 2025-16:12
Short answer: not usually. Longer answer:

Most common problem seems to be mold growth, but if kept in dry, dark closet should be ok for many years

By: j.jota : February 3rd, 2025-16:17
I have several bottles of ink from Pelikan and J. Herbin that are about a decade old that I’ll occasionally fill my pens with and no issues so far.

It might have something to do with the

By: Derreck : February 3rd, 2025-21:16
pH level of the ink, maybe if it’s too neutral mold might grow. However for example for some vintage pens with ink sacs one needs to choose some safe inks with neutral pH levels to not damage the ink sac. So I guess the answer is it depends. I got interes...