Btw, I call these...

Nov 11, 2021,03:17 AM

...'weird beers.' It's what you have left over after about 4 parties : )

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I just had a discussion with my wife

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : November 10th, 2021-17:46
As a sober person, she claims that I have no right to more than 2 shelves in the fridge for my beers. She has vegetables on 3 shelves, so this equality they usually talk about does not exist here. 🤣🤣🤣 ...  

Boulevard Beer

 By: Thomas_3 : November 10th, 2021-17:49
is brewed right here in KC.

Please take this from someone with 47 years of experience...

 By: MikiJ : November 10th, 2021-18:04
Consider buying your wife a new fridge and putting this one out in the garage or in the basement and keep all your beer in it with no issues

Got a new beer drinking wife?

 By: Blourenco : November 10th, 2021-22:40

At the moment she not listen to me. 🤣🤣

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : November 10th, 2021-18:25

Same here...;-))

 By: FabR : November 10th, 2021-18:52

I see free places in the fridge so I recommend you any Estrella Galicia.

 By: aWtchslvr : November 10th, 2021-18:32
For many people the best from this brand is the 1906. For real experts the very best the Red Vintage 1906. Skål.

Who is sober, here? :))))

 By: amanico : November 10th, 2021-18:38

Not me. 🤣🤣

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : November 10th, 2021-19:26


 By: amanico : November 10th, 2021-21:32

She knows I don't eat that stuff. 🤣🤣

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : November 10th, 2021-19:27

Or trade my wife for another one. 🤣🤣

 By: Jocke - Bad Santa : November 10th, 2021-19:27

ROFL 😂😂😂

 By: lm6 : November 10th, 2021-20:20

Eeeeeeasy Solution, With ADDED Benefits

 By: enjoythemusic : November 10th, 2021-21:18
i love VERY cold soda, yet the wife hates what it does to her prized veggies. Easy solution, plus you get a 'free' Lynx pro grill and swimming pool in the process! ...  

My only advice is, more bottles and fewer cans...

 By: mdg : November 10th, 2021-21:34
...but I will always take your side on quantity : )


 By: amanico : November 10th, 2021-21:48

My kind of fridge!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : November 10th, 2021-23:55

Btw, I call these...

 By: mdg : November 11th, 2021-03:17
...'weird beers.' It's what you have left over after about 4 parties : )

Let me offer some advice.

 By: MichaelC : November 11th, 2021-14:21
First, you need to start off with your own beer fridge. This is just for you, although maybe keep 1 or 2 varieties the missus enjoys: If you have a wine area, some stouts can be stored nicely without the need for refrigeration. I am fortunate to have desi...  

You knew . . .

 By: Dr No : November 14th, 2021-12:11
. . . this was coming.