Sunsets in less than 20 minutes here

Sep 18, 2020,15:49 PM

Wishing all a wonderful start to the Friday evening and the weekend. Cheers,

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And same to you!

 By: M4 : September 18th, 2020-15:53
Nice pic! M4

Looking good 😎...

 By: Cpt Scarlet : September 18th, 2020-15:56
Enjoy your weekend in style !

Thanks Cpt! [nt]

 By: aperna : September 19th, 2020-06:34

Thanks [nt]

 By: aperna : September 19th, 2020-06:34

Awesome. [nt]

 By: Sportster : September 18th, 2020-17:00

Or late summer! ;) [nt]

 By: amanico : September 19th, 2020-14:34

A classic, timeless look!

 By: MTR : September 19th, 2020-01:22
Have a great weekend, too, Tony! Best Thomas

Thanks Thomas [nt]

 By: aperna : September 19th, 2020-06:35

Looks great.

 By: WH_ : September 19th, 2020-05:44
I didn’t know you wore a modern sub as well, I remember you mostly wore your sea dweller. Looks great!

SO WRONG.........

 By: Blansky : September 19th, 2020-08:47
Not your beautiful watch, the fact that the days are getting shorter AGAIN. Of course it may be a blessing in that 2020 will soon be over.